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    ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

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warnings: none
pronouns used: they/them
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- play the song at the top

d r e a m .


y/n hated going to party's , but especially with clay.

he would always end up drunk and y/n was the one who had to take care of him. like right now, clay begged to go to this party but of course y/n didn't want to go

they eventually gave in which brought them to clay's best friend, sapnap's huge party that was filled with loud blasting music and alcohol

clay drank a "little" too much, he's currently sitting on the bathroom floor leaning over the toilet you know just letting it out

while y/n sat down near the bathtub covering their ears and nose so they didn't have to hear or smell vomit

[ i have a phobia of vomit lol ]

"clay?" y/n asked kinda muffled

he just hummed in response, "after your done can we leave or do we have to stay?"

"y/n im drunk don't ask me, you can choose" clay spoke getting up

y/n quickly followed him watching his unsteady steps leave the bathroom

"let's leave." y/n spoke holding clays hand

"i need to say bye to sapnap" clay said, y/n knowing what sapnap was doing in the room next to the bathroom dismissed clays voice and left the loud house

as y/n was trying to get clay in the car, he starting slurring his words talking to literally nothing

"mi amor?" clay called out

y/n forgetting they taught clay some spanish so he can talk to their family was surprised by the name


"i'm hungry" he called out as y/n started the car

"well you're gonna have to wait until we get home it's 2am and nothings open" y/n said making clay pout

"but i'm hungry"

"and i'm tired, we both have to wait"

clay just pouted more trying to make y/n feel bad for him but it didn't work

— at home —

"i'm hungry!" clay spoke holding out the 'y'

"please go to sleep and be quiet people are sleeping" y/n spoke

"and?" clay replied sassily

"and if you wake our neighbors you'll get us kicked out"


   𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
i had this one in my drafts!

merry christmas!

merry christmas!

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