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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

 ┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐warnings: nonerequest: @pandalover569 pronouns used: she/her└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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warnings: none
request: @pandalover569
pronouns used: she/her
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d r e a m .

"SAPNAP!" y/n spoke hitting sapnap back making dream roll his eyes

the 3 have been playing minecraft for maybe two hours and dreams jealousy was rising like a lot.

sapnap and y/n have always been close they were more like siblings than anything else and dream knew that but his mind had a tendency to shut that thought out

"hey y/n do you have some food? i don't have any more" sapnap pouted as a joke, dream groaned in silence

"ofc he needs food from y/n" dream thought, y/n could tell what dream was feeling by how he acted it was like a gift but it was only with dream no one else

"patches is tired im going to sleep. goodnight" dream spoke, y/n said a quick goodbye to sapnap and left the call

she texted dream saying she loves him and she hopes he sleeps well. dream usually says the same reminding her to take her meds but today he said nothing


y/n's eyes twitched a little bit at the sight but let it be

dream laid in his bed with patches beside him thinking, does y/n actually like him?

- would y/n leave him for sapnap?
- but y/n likes patches. she wouldn't leave me because then she would be leaving patches omg and drista

dream groaned and looked at patches, "i swear you're the only reason people like me" dream spoke quietly before going to sleep

it was morning and the couple still haven't talked to each other, y/n tried to talk to dream but he only ignored her calls and texts

"y/n!" he heard drista say, dreams house was one of drista's favorite places and even better y/n came over

"hey drista how are you?" y/n asked, drista smiled at y/n'a question

"i'm good, how are you?" the young girl asked, "i'm okay, where's your brother? i just have to speak with him for a quick minute and then i'll talk to you okay?" y/n explained

"oh yea! clay's in his room. i think the door's open" drista said with a small smile

y/n thanked drista and walked towards dreams room

"dream?" y/n called out, he rolled his eyes at the sound of his girlfriend's voice

"hi, i know you're not happy with me. i don't know why but i want to know so that's why i'm here. why are you so upset?" y/n asked

y/n was the type of person to try and solve things and try to understand people's feelings. today that person was dream

"nothing. leave me alone and go talk to drista" dream said stopping his typing

"well you're gripping your fists very hard so.. dream i just want to know what happened? if i can change anything" y/n said looking at dreams hands

he turned so he was looking at y/n, he got up and shut the door so drista wouldn't hear

"sapnap" dream spoke, y/n looked up at dream confused "uh? sapnap? what about him?" y/n asked dream

"you and sapnap are so close. it's ya know caused some feelings.." dream spoke looking at y/n's eyes

"jealousy, you mean?" y/n asked finally understanding, dream nodded "okay well jealousy is a strong word. i was feeling.."dream started

"okay fine i was jealous!" dream said

"you don't have to be jealous of sapnap. me and him are only friends and that's all we will ever be." y/n said calming dreams feelings

"be honest with me, would you ever leave me for anyone?" dream asked, y/n shook her head

dream smiled softly and hugged y/n

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
do you guys want me to use
dream or clay for his name?

 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :do you guys want me to use dream or clay for his name?

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