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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

 ┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐warnings: this will be teacher x reader, yes that is the warning

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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
warnings: this will be teacher x reader, yes that is the warning.
pronouns used: she/her
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- you're in highschool

d r e a m .

"OKAY CLASS" mr. clay spoke loudly [i don't know his last name]

y/n flinched slightly at the loud voice, clay took notice to this making his voice softer

clay took a liking to y/n sense the first day of school, he knew it wasn't okay but something told him it was [it's not okay]

clay was y/n's favorite teacher, it was the only class that y/n spoke in. she didn't know how big of a liking clay had though

because of this class being the only class y/n talked in, this made others try and talk to her a lot

someone currently was trying to talk to y/n, the jock clay knew he wasn't a very good person. didn't make the right decision

"lucas get back to your spot please" clay demanded but lucas being lucas he didn't care what a teacher said to him

"so do-" lucas started, "go back to you spot lucas" clay said louder

y/n looked up at clay who was pointing across the room

she stared at his green eyes watching lucas's moves, she watched his jaw clench out of frustration.. y/n couldn't lie, she thought he was attractive but never enough to do anything such as any type of relationship.


clay looked down at y/n, "get back to work please" he said moving y/n's paper close to her

he didn't mean it to come out harsh but the tone definitely did. he was never harsh with y/n well until now

"y/n get back to work, what are you staring at?" clay said, knowing the bell was going to ring in 3 minutes

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