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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

- listen to the song on top ‼️ it plays for an hour ! ┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐warnings: talk about murder and blood, wording can come off as creepy and/or scary, setting may be unsettling

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- listen to the song on top ‼️ it plays for an hour !
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
warnings: talk about murder and blood, wording can come off as creepy and/or scary, setting may be unsettling

pronouns used: they/them
└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

- i am not responsible for your triggers so please read the warnings ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


   d r e a m .

A LAUGH came out of y/n's mouth as they walked around abandoned circus with their boyfriend, clay

this location was where all the rude and snobby teenagers, nearly adults hung out

clay wore a white shirt and black pants with a scary clown mask, y/n was wearing a black shirt with a white and black tutu (not a child one but yk)

the two held axes in their hands

"look" clay whispered pointing at the three teenagers who two looked scared one.. didnt? the one was resting against the side of a old ride

as clay and y/n approached the teenagers, the two other teenagers grabbed the boy who was resting against a ride at clay and y/n

y/n looked over at the boy leaving him be while clay walked closer to the scared two boys

"give a little wave to him" clay whispered looking at y/n and the boy waving his hand in a taunt

"bro we've done noth-"

"and here's where you go quiet" clay spoke

another 2 dead

"we don't want to kill you" y/n said ruffling up the teenagers hair

"eh i wouldn't care, my life can't get any fucking worse" the boy spoke very laid back of the situation

y/n said tilted, "so you guys just kill people for fun?" the boy asked looking at the blood on clays shirt

"what's your name?" y/n asked, "sunoo"

"i like it!" y/n said, the boy said a quick thanks

"sooo what do you guys do now?" he asked walking with the couple, "we clean up and act like we've done nothing" clay said chucking his and y/n's axes in the grass [ you guys were wearing gloves ]

y/n noticed the boy looked lost, "do you want us to walk you home?" y/n asked as clay and y/n put a sweatshirt on

"you'll be walking no where, i don't have one" sunoo spoke

"you can just home with us, we promise we won't hurt you" clay said making sunoo say thank you again

"welcome the home of killers.. i'm just joking" clay said opening the door

"do you guys want me to do anything to make up for this?" sunoo asked, "just keep your space clean and that's it, food is always stocked and each room has a separate ac, if you need anything just let us know" y/n asked as clay turned on the shower

sunoo nodded walking into his room, y/n shut the door

"he seems nice, we aren't going to hurt him right?" y/n asked as clay took his shirt off

"no, i don't care what he does. the boy seems sad, we were like that. you have to promise to take care of him" clay said unbuttoning his pants

"i promise, did you have fun with the killings?" y/n asked, clay nodded

"we'll have to teach him the ways of us" clay spoke walking into the bathroom

"we can teach him tomorrow" y/n said, clay nodded "i'll teach him of kidnapping, you can teach him about tying people up" clay said grabbing two towels

sunoo, in just months became a killer

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
request : overwrld

- i had the intentions while writing this that sunoo isn't a child

i thought my kpop "phase" ended... i was wrong. vv wrong


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