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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

 ┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐warnings: none?pronouns used: she/her └────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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warnings: none?
pronouns used: she/her
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- if you feel like i need to add a warning to this chapter lmk :]

- also i know dream's ex is named sam but i'm changing the name

d r e a m .


he always chose never to talk about her but he did tell y/n that they had a very creepy relationship, she would stalk clay if he ever went out. drista hated his ex and she also got to know the girls name, Jen.

y/n was currently cleaning up their shared room and clay was down stairs feeding patches.

his phone started to go off, y/n was gonna yell for clay to get his phone but when she picked up his phone the caller read "Jen"

her eyes widened a little bit at the sight, she set his phone down and called her clay

"yea?" he said walking in, "someone was calling you" she said folding the clothes, clay picked up his phone looking who it was

he grabbed his phone and walked into the bathroom downstairs. thoughts ran through y/n's mind

when i mean thoughts, i mean hundreds
of thoughts.

but she decided it was her business, i mean she was his girlfriend after all

"who was it?" y/n asked as clay set his phone down and pugged in the charger, "spam call" he said putting things away

y/n just nodded knowing he was lying

it was now weeks passed and Jen just kept calling, if weeks go past and your significant other's ex is calling i'm pretty sure you would also get worried

clay was laying down brushing patches, y/n walked in knowing that if dream lied she had pictures of Jen's name popping up on his phone

"can we talk?" y/n asked still standing, clay nodded reaching over to put the brush away

"why is your ex calling you so much clay?" y/n asked, "she's not? i haven't talked to her in a long time" he replied getting up standing in front of y/n

"she hasn't? explain all of these pictures" y/n said showing dream all of the pictures of her calling his phone and texting him telling him to pick up

"y/n.. you don't think i'm cheating on you right? especially with her" clay asked with confused yet worried tone of voice

"well, i didn't think you were cheating but the thought was there" y/n said looking down

clay lifted y/n's chin, "she will not leave me alone, i've changed my number so many times but she still finds it. y/n the reason i never told you was because i didn't want you to know how crazy she was. she has threatened to hurt you and you and i both know i would never want you to get hurt"

"i love you so much, y/n. my family loves you! Jen is someone who gets attached and needs to have that something forever but she will never have me again. you will have me forever. you know drista hated her but drista is always spamming my phone asking if you can hang out with her also can she have you #? she wants it" clay finished

"one. yes she can have my number, two. i never knew how bad she was and maybe that's my fault for not asking enough but thank you for telling me now. thank you for protecting clay. i love you too" y/n spoke making clay smile and hug y/n

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :
did this finally publish? i'm in the car so i hope it did

 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :did this finally publish? i'm in the car so i hope it did

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