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   Y/n sighed and looked down, hoping Ten would have an answer for her. She looks back up to find Ten looking at her deeply. 

"You didn't sleep last night did you?" Ten asked Y/n making her roll her eyes. 

"Okay just because you can tell things about a person doesn't mean you have to say something about them." Y/n says shaking her head. 

"I'm sorry you just look tried that's all." Ten smiles at her as Y/n tries to keep a straight face. 

"Alright Ten I gotta head back to Hendrey and Yangyang." Y/n says leaving Ten's room. 

"Oh word of advice, it's best to play a game with Yangyang to make him behave and with Hendrey just talk about water and stuff. Get's him hooked." Ten tells Y/n as she leaves his room. It made her think of what Ten had told her. 

  The first room she arrived at happened to Yangyang's. She opened the door to his room and saw him laying down looking up at the ceiling. She noticed he had stars on the ceiling with a moon and sun. She was too busy looking at the ceiling to notice that Yangyang was looking at her. When she finally looked at Yangyang it looked like he was studying her face to know every little thing by memory. She smiled at him making him look away. 

"Sorry Yangyang I got distracted by the artwork. Do you know who did it?" Y/n says smiling at him. He looks back at her.

"I did them." Yangyang says low and only for Y/n to hear. Y/n was impressed to know that Yangyang did the artwork himself. She gets the feeling that no one really let's him do anything. Then she remembers Ten's words. 

"Hey Yangyang let's do something to pass time with each other."  Y/n suggest to him making him sit up and smile. 

"Alright let's play a game then. I get to pick." Yangyang says was Y/n sits down in front of him nodding in agreement. 

"Okay so the way we play this game is that one of us will go first and say word the we like. Got it." Yangyang explains to Y/n. 

"Alright sounds good." Y/n tells him as he smiles and claps his hands like a little kid. 

"Alright I'll go first, brothers." Yangayang starts off for them. 

"Let's see. Oh friends!" Y/n smiles while thinking of Jaemin. 

"Youth." Yangyang continues thinking about his childhood. Y/n thinks for a bit.

"Books." Y/n says and Yangyang looks at her wondering why she would like books. He shakes his head and thought of his next word.

"Parents." Yangyang says thinking of his mom and dad.

"Life." Y/n says noticing Yangyang's change in mood. She noticed him getting sad after he said parents. 

"Yangyang do you want to continue? You look kinda sad." Y/n asks worried about Yangyang. He looks up at her and she sees tears forming in his eyes. Y/n really wanted to give him a hug, but their was a possibility that he might kill her. All she could do was put her hand up to the glass to show him that she cares. 

"You should leave, it's best to leave me here." Yangyang tells her, Y/n was about to tell him no, but the look in his eyes said he wanted to be alone. Y/n sighed not wanting to leave him, but like he said. It was for the best. She get's up and heads over to Hendrey's room. 

   When she got there she was inside his tank. If anything, Y/n really thought Hendrey was very handsome. It was a shame that he to be here stuck in a tank. She sighed and sat down waiting for Hendrey to come up so they can talk more. Y/n was looking at the papers he had and looked more on Hendrey's file. On the file it said that he was a very open minded person and was a mood maker. Now he's always keeping to himself. Y/n sighed then heard the water. She looked up to see Hendrey looking at her wondering what she was doing. 

  He has a very soft look on his face, it was like he couldn't hurt a fly. Though Y/n knew she couldn't really trust him. 

"Hi Hendrey." Y/n says with a smile and waves at him. He raises his hand and waves at her too. It warmed Y/n heart seeing that he was having progress with her. 

"How long will you be down here?" Hendrey asks her making her look pull at her phone for the time. It was almost noon and it would be time for her lunch. 

"For a few more minutes, I'll be going to lunch then I'll be coming back then I go home." Y/n gives him a simple answer making him nod his head. He looks at Y/n and waves her to come a little closer to the glass. She only went a little closer and he went to the edge to his tank. 

"I want you to know two things and I hope we can make it come true." Hendrey says the look in his eyes made Y/n know he was telling the truth. 

"I wanna be able to get out of this tank and be able to walk around without having to act like a fish out of water." Hendrey says in a sad voice, Y/n knows he must have gone through a lot before coming to the hospital.

"Okay I promise to help you out, what's the other thing?" Y/n asks him and he looks down and splashes water on himself. Y/n has no idea why he did that, but she thinks it must be something he does when his upper half is out of the water. He looks back at her and takes a deep breath well and some what deep breath. 

"Well this might sound kinda weird, but I.......I.... I wanna hug you." Hendrey says making Y/n shock. She didn't expect him to say that, but she smiles none the less. 

"Yeah one day we can hug and we can go somewhere really pretty." Y/n tells him making him have a little smile. 

"Like the beach?" Hendrey asks as his eyes light up. 

"Yeah like the beach." 

Well that's it for this chapter, hope you all liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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