I can't protect you

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Mentions of suicide and strong language!

"Jaehyun what did you just say?" Y/n asks her brother again making him sigh. 

"I'll tell you later after dinner. For now let's act how we usually are. Because I- never mind." Jaehyun says getting out of the car. Y/n go to dinner, Jaemin had just gotten back to his desk. He knows that Lucas said not to look in the file, but was he really going to trust him? No. Jaemin is stronger and smarter then them. At least he thought he was until he opened the file. 

Qian Kun;

Notes for today: He was saying the same thing today again, expect this time he mentioned Jaemin. I don't see why he did, there was no reason to mention him. I understand that Yangyang must've told Ten whole told the others what had happened between the two of them. I wish I knew more about his condition maybe I'll be able to help him more. Maybe if he stop looking at me like he's going to eat me would be a great help. Though Kun is starting to worry me now, since Yangyang is the youngest he looks out for him and treats him like a little brother. They all do, but the thing that worries me were the things he said he'll do to Jaemin. It best to keep Jaemin away from the boys until all this dies down. Kun says he wants to rip Jaemin's inside apart until nothings left. The fact this is about my best friend, I don't want him down here anymore. 

  Jaemin reads the file and closes it, no wonder Lucas didn't want him to read it. Y/n makes the file in detail and very detail. It sacred him to the bone. 

'Y/n......I can't protect you down there.' Jaemin thinks as there's now a wall between him and Y/n. The wall being made by Kun and the others. Since she's down there all day he can't know what goes down there and they want to kill him as well. He's losing his best friend. 

"Lucas is right." Jaemin says to himself as he feels tears come up in his eyes. 

"I am the real monster." Jaemin says leaving the file on Y/n's computer and leaves the hospital. 

  Meanwhile, Y/n's mother had a little too much to drink. 

"My two babies working together. Jaehyun keep your sister out of trouble and Y/n make sure Jaehyun makes friends he's lonely." Their mother say. The sibling are pretty sure that she meant that Jaehyun keep out of trouble and Y/n make friends. They put her in the car as she falls asleep then they go to sit on top of the car hood. 

"You said that Jungwoo use to take care of Lucas?" Y/n says as she looks up at the moon. 

"Yeah, it's kinda a long story. When Lucas first came to the hospital Jungwoo was new as well. He was assigned to him and they hit it off. The times I went to give him pills and food he asked when Jungwoo was coming or was he working." Jaehyun explains. Y/n imagines the smile Lucas must of have when he saw Jungwoo. She couldn't blame him Jungwoo has such a good aura around him. Who wouldn't want to be around him. 

"Until one day. When Jungwoo and I were off. Your graduation from high school, we both went remember?" Jaehyun says remembering that Jungwoo was there for her graduation. Such a nice time they had. 

"Yeah I sure he must have told you or maybe Taeyong told you, but Lucas was raped before he came to the hospital and he killed one of the girls that did it." Jaehyun tells her the info that she's known for a while. 

"It happened again." Jaehyun says looking as his sister looks at him in shock.

"What do you mean it happened again?! It happened when you two weren't there?! Was Mark working? Because I know he was already working there?" Y/n asks with a worried tone in her voice. She cared for Lucas, not just Lucas all the boys in fact. Jaehyun notices the tone in her voice. 

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