Without you

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   A week has passed and Y/n hasn't been to work, Taeyong told her to take all the time she needs. Her and the others. She hasn't been able to sleep or eat for a while. She cries all the time now. Part of her was loss. Y/n was laying in bed when she heard the door bell ring. She didn't bother to leave her blanket, she took it with her when she went to the door. When she opened it she saw who was there. Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jisung and Chenle. 

"Hey Y/n, is this a good time?" Mark asks and she nods letting them in. She sees that Jisung has a bag in his hands and puts it down on the coffee table. 

"Jaehyun hyung said that you haven't been eating, so we brought you some food." Jisung says as Y/n just stares at it. Jaemin use to do this with her as well. She goes and sits on the floor and unpacks the food. 

"Thank you." She says revealing the food. It happened to be from the a little cafe that she and Jaemin use to go to when they were in college. Tears comes up in her eyes as she starts to eat while crying. She feels an arm around her as she eats. Renjun's arm. 

"We miss him too, but we have to keep strong for him." Renjun says as Y/n quickly finishes the food now crying even more. The group now go around her and cry with each other. 

"Where's Shotaro and Sungchan?" Y/n says now a little calmer. 

"There taking care of the kids for us." Mark answers as she stays quite. 

"Who's taking care of the boys?" Y/n asks again not looking at Mark this time. 

"Johnny and Yuta. Taeyong's been preparing for Dr. Moon's visit. He should be coming in two days." Mark tells her as she nods. Chenle rest his head on her shoulder and she pats his head. 

"They don't know what happened right?" Y/n says looking at Mark this time. He shakes his head telling her they don't.

"Good. As long as they don't know it's fine." Y/n says. The boys stayed a little while longer then left when it was dark out. Jeno was the last one to leave.

"Y/n, can I ask you something?" Jeno asks her before she leaves, she nods letting him. 

"What did Jaemin tell you before he. Yeah." Jeno says rubbing his neck. She didn't want to remember, but his voice rang in her head like crazy. 

"He told me he's always loved me. Then he told me good bye." Y/n says now looking down at the floor feeling the tears come up again. She feels him hug her tight.

"So he did listen to me after all. Thanks Y/n. Eat and sleep please if not for you for Jaemin. I see you soon." Jeno says patting Y/n's head. She nods feeling a little lighter since the pass week. Y/n closes the door and sees she got a text, it was from Yuta. 

Yuta <3 : Y/n we need to talk

Me: Can it be quick I was going to take a nap

Yuta <3 ; Yes, I just need to ask you something very important and it has to do with Kun 

Me: Oh god don't tell me he's trying to kill or burn something

Yuta <3: No thank god, but I wanna ask you something with a file about him.

Me: Sure what is it?

Yuta <3: Why did he mention Jaemin's name? And why did he want to hurt him?

Yuta <3: I've read the file and see how you must of thought of why he wanted to hurt him, but I want to hear your full opinion

Me: My opinion is that since Jaemin kinda (really) pissed Yangyang off might have been the reason. I get the feeling Yangyang must have told Ten (Who probably saw the whole thing too) and told everyone. Other then that I don't know what else could have happened.

Yuta <3: How about Lucas having a talk with him?

Me: ?

Me: Oh shit

Me: Wait are you talking about when I asked him to go get that file on Kun?

Yuta <3: Yes

   Y/n lowers her phone and sits on the couch then looks at the photo of her and Jaemin on the little table next to her. She grabs the photo and sees his happy face in the photo. 

"Lucas must have told you something. Didn't he? How could I be so stupid? It's because I asked to go get that file. If I haven't had left it in his room then you would still be here." Y/n cries holding the picture close to her. 

"I can't live without you. Your my best friend for god's sake! Why didn't I listen to you when I first got here?" Y/n says as she now looks up. 

"I don't know what to do without you." Y/n says then get the idea. The idea to talk to Lucas, not just Lucas him and the others. Grabbing her keys she heads to the hospital. Once she was there Johnny noticed her right away. He walks over to her seeing where she was going. 

"Y/n what are you doing here? You should be at home, your not in a mentally good place right now. Go home and rest." Johnny tells her before she got to the elevator. She looks at him and he gives her a soft look. 

"Johnny I need to talk to them. I need to know something and only they know. Please." Y/n says, Johnny sighs and brings her to the elevator. 

"I'll be waiting here. Go talk to who ever you need to talk to, but be quick." Johnny tells her as they reached the underground. She thanks him and heads for Lucas' room. On the way she's pretty sure that Ten knows that she's here now and telling the others. As she got to Lucas' room she sees him sitting there like he was waiting for someone. Waiting for her. 

"Lucas." Y/n calls out for him, making him raise his head. He smiles when seeing her. 

"Y/n where have you been? I missed you and now you're here." He smiles seeing her walk in front of him. 

"Lucas I need to ask you something very important." Y/n says seeing him nod. 

"Did you talk to Jaemin when he came for Kun's file in here? And if you did I need to know what you said." Y/n says seeing Lucas' smile drop along with his face going dark. While being down there she gotten pretty brave so their dark faces don't scare her. At least not all the time. 

"Why do you want to know about that asshole? He's the reason why you don't fully trust us." Lucas says as he puts his hands on the glass. 

"Tell me Lucas did you or did you not talk to Jaemin about Yangyang when he was here?" Y/n asks him making him looking at her like she was the last piece of meat on earth. 


'He's lying.'

Here's a new chapter, this book has been getting a lot of reads and votes lately I can't thank you guys enough! Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

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