It burns

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  Yuta had gave Bella to Xiaojun's parents while him and Johnny help Xiaojun to breathe again. Xiaojun was trying so hard to try and breathe, but it was like his lungs wouldn't take it. 

"Yuta we have no choice we have to put him under." Johnny says not knowing what else to do. The oxygen isn't working they have to think of something and something fast. Yuta nods and gets the shot ready. 

"Xiaojun when you wake up you'll feel much better I swear." Johnny says as he holds Xiaojun down while Yuta sticks him. Xiaojun feels himself falling asleep and rests. He still wasn't breathing so Johnny and Yuta put the oxygen at the highest level. Johnny and Yuta tell his parents making his mom cry into his father. Bella got out of Xiaojun's arms and heads for his room. She jumps on the bed and lays there. No one moved her she just stayed until Xiaojun would wake up. 

"Taeyong normal air isn't working, if we don't fine something soon he'll die. He has so much to live for." Yuta says to Taeyong as Mark tries to clam him down. He was new to being a head doctor so he really had no idea what to do or say. 

"Yuta I get it I'm trying to find a way for him to breathe. That oxygen isn't going to last him very long." Taeyong says making Yuta sit down. It was quite in the office. 

"Is his dog still with him?" Ten asks Johnny and he nods his head.

"His parents bring her so she could see him. It's sad, you can tell that that puppy is worried about him." Johnny says as he remembers that very time he walks into the room he would see the beagle laying on the bed. It broke his heart knowing the puppy won't see her owner awake for awhile. 

"He said that his lungs burn when he breathes right?" Taeyong asks the group. 

"Then let's not make them burn." Taeyong says getting up from his office and heading to the lab in the hospital. It took him a three days, but he thinks he has something to help Xiaojun breathe again. 

"Taeyong what is this?" Mark asks as him and the others step into the lab. 

"It's something for Xiaojun. I went and studied a little piece of his lungs he can to cut in order to stitch them up. Turns out he had too much oxygen go into his lungs so them to burn. It's like if you had too much candy and you feeling like your about to throw up." Taeyong explains making the others nod. 

"So what did you come up with to help him?" Ten asks Taeyong, he points to the glass for them to see. two little pieces of tissue from the lungs was under two different glasses. One was red and looked like it was about to burn while the other stayed with it's normal color. 

"So what are we looking at?" Yuta asks.

"The one that's very red is Xiaojun's lungs under normal oxygen. While the other is the one I made. It's modify in other words." Taeyong says. 

"So he'll be able to breathe now." Johnny says looking at Taeyong as he nods at him. Johnny had hooked up the new oxygen for Xiaojun. Johnny looks at Yuta for him to wake him up, inside the room was Xiaojun's parent's who were also holding Bella. Once Yuta gave Xiaojun his shot he woke up taking deep breathes. He looked around and he wondered why his lungs weren't on fire. 

"Morning Xiaojun. How does breathing feel for you now?" Taeyong asks him. 

"I-it feels cooler." Xiaojun says and he mother starts crying tears of joy. Happy her son is alive and well. She happened to be holding Bella, which she jumped out of her arms to go to Xiaojun. 

  The next day Xiaojun was able to get out of the hospital with tanks of the oxygen Taeyong had made. What a happy day for them, it wouldn't last very long. While the days went on Xiaojun went through the tanks very quick, it was the main thing keeping him alive. Nothing else mattered only if he got his air. 

"Dejun sweetie let's go for a walk." His mom tells him. 

"I can't I'll waste my air if I do." Xiaojun says as he sits in his room. 

"Sweetie you need to be outside." His mom tires very more. 

"No. The outside has air that's gross, I don't know how you can breathe that shit mom." Xiaojun says. 

"Dejun watch your language. At least talk Bella for a walk." She saids with a tone in her voice. 

"No. She'll want to play and it'll waste my air." He says.

"I'm wasting air just by talking to you." He continues she gasps and walks out of the room. Laster that day Xiaojun's father drags him out of his room and forces him on the couch. 

"Son you have a problem. We're going to take you back to the hospital and see if they can make something that won't make you like this." His father tells him. 

"There's nothing wrong with me I don't wanna waste it by saying pointless things to people like you!" Xiaojun shouts and walks out of the room to his own. Bella follows close behind. He let's the dog in and shuts the door. 

"They don't get it, only you do right Bella?" Xiaojun says to the dog. She looks at him and lays down. He sigh and looks to the side outside his widow. 

'Why do they breathe that air, it's disgusting, how can they breathe it. It burns. They're hurting themselves, but maybe I can't help. Yes I can help.' He thinks to himself, he had to wait when his parents were asleep. 

  Once they were asleep, he went into their room at night as he holds a contain that holds the air Taeyong had made for him. No one knew what it could do to a normal pair of lungs. That didn't matter to Xiaojun though. In his mind he thought his parent's lungs were burning, but they didn't know what was good for them. Only he did and he could help them.

  He puts masks on the both of them and turns on the air. He smiles as he watches his parents wake up and gasp for air, but all they felt was their lungs turning into mush. Xiaojun didn't move from his spot, not even when the police brought him in and put him in the hospital. 

  He never regretted what he did. He save his parents from the disgusting air they were breathing. The one thing he would ask the doctors was. 

"How's Bella doing?" 

  He knows that Taeyong is taking care of his dog, so he doesn't really have to worry about her. Now he only worries about someone now. He must have her. The way she ran to help him even though it was on the other side of the thick glass. She was the person he's been looking for. His Bella, his soulmate. 

"Where did Y/n go?" 

Double update I wanted to post this with the other chapter because I felt like it fit. Don't forget to comment and vote! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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