First love

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Warring! Suicide mentioned!

"Back then Yangyang didn't really care about anyone, he kinda did with me and the other 00 liners since were the same age, but then one day he met this girl. She looked kinda like you Y/n." Renjun starts the story making Y/n eyes widen. She looks over to the others to see them nod their head remembering the girl from a long time ago. 

"She came here for depression I believe right?" Renjun looks to the other as Jaemin nods. 

"Yeah she was getting pretty bad, her parents were sacred she would try to hurt herself without them knowing. So they brought her in to get her help." Jaemin mentions looking away from his food and twelve shot espresso. Y/n really doesn't know how he drinks that. 

"Yeah I remember when they first met, Yangyang was just walking around when he found her in her room crying. He went in without a care in the world and asked her what was wrong." 

"What's up with you?" Yangyang asked the girl making her look up at him with red eyes. 

"Just leave me alone, it's better no one worries about me. One less worry in the world." The girl says to him making him sigh. 

"Guess I'll just call Jeno in so he can give you some pills to make you high. Getting high must be your favorite part of the day right? Taking pills in order to feel better?" Yangyang says looking at her dead in the eye making her sacred of taking the pills. She hated those things, she didn't want to take them to feel better. 

"Some family of mine had passed away and some of my friends dropped me as a friend. I'm lonely I have no one now." The girl said looking away from the cold boy. It makes him think about his own family. 

"Family is alright, but it sucks when you can't see their faces anymore. I'm sorry." Yangyang tells the girl then leaves the room for her to be alone like she wanted. For the next few days Yangyang was watching the girl from afar. The girl felt like she was being watched sometimes, but shook it off. 

  Though Yangyang took this little crush of his too far. It wasn't like this before, he stopped watching her from afar and hung out with her, all the time. He started leaving notes for her, they weren't the cute ones either. They always said something like 'you look cute when you sleep', 'why were you talking to Jeno? Talk to me', or even 'I saw the blood on your sleeve, you said you would stop. Why did you lie?'. Things that would freak someone out, but what sacred her the most was when Yangyang's moods would change faster and faster which time she said something to make him happy or make him upset. 

  He was toxic to her and she knew it. She tried to stay away from him, but he would make her feel bad when she did. He knew how to play with her feelings and use them to his advantage when he wanted to. While he was falling more in love with the weak girl, she was getting worse day by day. 

  Taeyong thought of keeping Yangyang away from her, but he found out Yangyang threw a fit. It was so bad that they had to strap him down to the bed. The girl saw how they treated him, she felt it was her fault. If she was a little stronger, if she said no to him and had him listen to her. They could have gotten out of there. They could have been happy, together. 

  Later that day Mark came into the girl's room wanting to talk to her about what has been happening and to see how she was doing and holding up. 

"Hey (your middle name) I wanted to see how-" Mark stopped his sentence when he saw no one was there in the room. He heard the water running from the bathroom and was going to come back later, that was until he noticed a puddle of water under the door from the bathroom door. 

"Johnny hyung I need you to come to room (lucky number) right now and bring the others with you." Mark calls Johnny real quick as he knocks on the door. 

"(Y/m/n) are you in there?" Mark asks trying to open the door. Johnny comes in with the other head doctors.

"Mark what's going on?" Yuta asks seeing Mark trying to open the door. 

"We have to open this door!" Mark tells the others as they try to force open the door. Yangyang happened to hear what was going on, Jaemin let him out of his room since he was being good for the past day. Johnny and Yuta were able to open the door, and judging by there faces, Yangyang guessed they didn't like what they saw. Johnny goes in and come out with the girl who's arms are covered in blood, wet hair and socked clothes. Yangyang realizes it was the girl he fell in love with. He tried to get in the room to see her, but Ten held him back.

"No I have to see her! You can't keep me from her! She belongs with me!" Yangyang yells as Ten pulls him back, with him is Jeno also holding him back now. 

"That must have been really hard on him." Y/n says thinking of all the emotions Yangyang must have felt. 

"What was really hard was seeing him trying to kill most of us. Almost killed me too." Renjun says making Y/n's eyes widen a bit. 

"Guess that must be why Yangyang likes seeing you." Jeno says making the group look at him. 

"You remind him of his first love, expect stronger. I think the two of you would have liked each other." Donghyuck says thinking back to the girl. Y/n now thinks about when Yangyang first escaped from his room and send a shiver down her spine. 

"Another thing too. He use to call her a toy as well. Just like you." 

Hey guys sorry for this veryyyyyyy late chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEE!

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