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Warring! This chapter will have sexual themes if your uncomfortable please skip, I don't wish to make anyone uncomfortable. Thank you. 

    Mark and Y/n had finished seeing all of the other boys and meet up with Yuta. Y/n thought he looked a bit sad, but she didn't want to bother him. Later Y/n returned without Mark and Yuta. This time she headed for Kun first. 


"Mark how did Kun get here? His file really doesn't say much about him." Y/n asks the young doctor. 

"Well that's uh." Mark starts not knowing what to tell her. 

"Don't worry Mark I can handle this one." A voice came from behind them. It was Taeyong. 

"But first let's take a walk." Taeyong says leading Y/n to where Jaemin worked. 

"Hey Jisung where's Chenle and Renjun?" Taeyong asks him and he points over to the two Chinese boys. 

"They use to be his nurses, he love it when they came. He felt like they could be his kids, so that's how be treated them. Kun use to be the most gentle of the seven of them." Taeyong explains to Y/n.

"The main thing you need to know when Kun truly cares about someone like he did with Chenle and Renjun, he would do anything to see them. Remember that okay?" Taeyong tells her making her nod. 


  In front of his room, Y/n looks for the man inside. Hearing footsteps she sees him face to face. With that scary smirk of his. 

"Well well well, look at who came to visit me. I finally get Y/n time. So princess what can Kun do you for?" Kun asks her knowing what she wants. 

"I- I wanted to know how you were feeling Kun." Y/n asks him and she hears him chuckle. 

"I'm sure that's all you want to know. I'll tell you how I feel. How I feel when you arrive." Kun says with his smirk growing. 

"Ever since you came here you've been turning me on and you don't do anything. I wanna see how fucked up your face would be if you were under me. No one interfering, heck I bet I'll kill you before you can finish." Kun says and bangs his fist agansit the glass, making her step back. 

"Kun please your scaring her. You kept those thoughts to yourself no one wants to hear them." A voice came from behind. They can both see Ten in the back with his arms crossed. 

"Stay out of this Ten, she's my princess remember and if anyone is going to fuck her up it will be me. Yangyang would make her play with him until he gets bored and kills her. Hendery will just drown her the first chance he gets. Xaiojun would choke her and Lucas would probably smash her head. And Winwin? Let's just say it won't be pretty." Kun smiles when he looks back at Y/n he sees that she's gone. 

  She was now in Lucas' room trying to make herself calm down.

"He was talking about you wasn't he?" Lucas asks her making her look at him. 

"Talking about how he would you know. Then saying each us would kill you." Lucas says making her look at him. Lucas jumps down from the part he was on and goes up to the glass. 

"He's only trying to scare you it's what he does. He made someone kill them self because of all the things he told them." Lucas tells her making her nod and calm down a bit more. 

"Just don't let him inside your head. One of the two top rules down here." Lucas says. 

"What's the other rule then?" Y/n making Lucas look down and smirk. 

"Don't trust us." Lucas smiles. He can already tell, that Y/n broke the rule and still braking it. 

The next day.....

  Taeyong called the head doctors and Y/n to his office and saw the notes that Y/n had been taking. She had been talking to the boys for a while each having a bit more equal time to talk about feeling and such. 

"This is very good info Y/n I like you to know that. Some opened a bit up, not as much, but it's process. Which is a great thing. Great job." Taeyong says giving the notes for the others to see. Y/n really felt proud and has been having an idea. She felt really only two well actually one out of the seven would be the safest for this idea. 

"I actually want to ask you all something. It's a risk, but it'll be for only the ones that seem ready." Y/n speaks getting the four men's attention. 

"Sure what is it Y/n?" Mark says letting her say her idea. Y/n takes a breath and stands up. 

"I was thinking maybe we can talk to them outside of their rooms. Get them in a new environment and expose them to other things later on. I know it's a crazy idea and a really big risk for them escaping and hurting someone, but I think it might be good for them to get out of the underground and be somewhere new. Somewhere to look forward too." Y/n tells them giving it her all heck she even asked Jaemin and the others for their opinion. Some along with Jaemin thought she was crazy and asked if she was feeling okay in the head. While some, being Jisung sweet angel, said there no harm in trying and supported her. 

  Yuta, Johnny, Mark and Taeyong all look at each other thinking it over. Y/n stood nervously thinking it's an idea, but maybe one that should be waited on. Y/n starts to sit down thinking it was a bad idea to bring up to them. 

"Y/n." Yuta gets her attention and he nods to the others. 

"We'll go with the idea, but have the boys go one at a time. Of course, we all think it's a good idea. Only thing we will be with you as well." Taeyong says while Mark smiles and nods at Y/n making her do the same. 

"You have an idea who you want first?" Johnny asks her. 

"I want Ten to be the first person for this." 

Well here's a late chapter, sorry about that, but on the bright side Lucas is innocent! I'm happy he is now he can come back to the members (well on screen, idk if he was at the dorm or not). Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEEE!!!

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