I'm coming (choice 3)

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"Times up Y/n." Ten says as Y/n runs down the hall to Yuta office. She had to be the safest choice for her. They're was a chance that one of the boys could be outside already waiting for her. She runs into the office and locks the door. She sighs knowing she bought herself some time. She heads for his desk to look at the cameras. 

  Just as she thought, Winwin was already outside looking around. Xiaojun was at the hallway she was at. Lucas was looking in the bed rooms, Yangyang was in the kids area. Kun was yelling at the speakers. Most likely telling Ten off. Hendery? 

"Shit where's Hendery?!" Y/n says looking for him. Then she found him, he was on the roof with Yuta. She knew going up there would either end with one of them falling off the roof, but she didn't care. 

"Stupid heart." She says unlocking the door of Yuta's office and heading to the roof. She knew that Ten was probably sending the boys to follow her because she wasn't hiding in the blind spots anymore. The guy she was in love with might die and she's not letting him go. Not without a fight. She wanted to save Yuta, since she couldn't save Jaemin this was what she could do for him. 

  Y/n got to the door to the roof and opened it finding Hendery and Yuta in a fight. 

"Hendery let him go!" Y/n yells at him making the two of them look at her. Yuta's eyes widen as Hendery smiles.

"Y/n get out of here!" Yuta yells at her, but she doesn't listen. She slowly walks to Hendery who was holding Yuta's shirt. 

"Hendery please let him go. I promise to stay with you and the others. I swear it on my life." Y/n tells him, the risking thing was that Hendery and Yuta were very close to the edge. So if Hendery wanted he could push Yuta off at any moment or the other way around. 

"And if I don't let him go?" Hendery claims taking a step closer to the edge with Yuta. 

"Then if I lose him, you lose me. Hurt him I will throw myself off this roof." Y/n says stepping on the edge making Hendery's widen along with Yuta's. 

"The choice is yours. Yuta dies I die. Yuta lives I live." Y/n tells him looking ready to jump off the roof. Hendery scoffs and let's Yuta go. Y/n gets off the edge and looks at Hendery. Then she looks at Yuta was goes over to him to see if he's hurt or not. 

"Yuta are you okay?" Y/n says looking if there was anything hurt, but Yuta stops her. 

"I swear you are the most dumbest, but smartest person I know." Yuta laughs dryly making her laugh. 

"Yeah I got that from Jaehyun. Now to deal with something." Y/n says looking back at Hendery who looked ready to blow. 

"No No NO! Your suppose to laugh with us! Not him, never him. What does he have that we don't?!" Hendery yells as he grabs Y/n making her scream. Yuta was about to grab her, but he was grabbed. 

"Hendery what the hell are you doing?!" Kun yells at him. The person who grabbed him happened to be Winwin. 

"She doesn't love us like we love her. So what's the point?! I rather live in a world where she does love me! Because if I can't have her nobody can." Hendery says pushing Y/n off the roof. 

"Y/n!" The boys yell seeing the girl's dead body on the ground. 

"Hendery you dumb ass! She could have learned to love us if he had gotten rid of him!" Lucas yells at Hendery while pointing at Yuta. Yuta sat there as the whole thing went down. The boys ended fighting while Yuta found a place to hide. He knew if he would have stayed they would have killed him. They all ended up killing each other. 

  Within the next couple of days, life was almost the same. Yuta and the others who surived found new jobs and a new life. As Yuta was sleeping someone watched over him. Y/n walked over to him and kissed his head. 

"You ready?" Jaemin asks her making her look at him. She takes one last look at Yuta and smiles. 

"Yeah I'm coming." Y/n responds to him as a little girls runs up to her. 

"Hey Aerum you ready to go?" Y/n asks her as she picks her up. 

"I'm ready mommy! Are you and daddy ready?" Aerum asks her. 

"Yes me and daddy are ready." Y/n answers her as Jaemin backs hugs her. 

"So is Yuta a better kisser then me or am I better?" Jaemin smiles teasing her making Y/n roll her eyes. 

"Please there's a child here. And I never kissed you so don't start." Y/n says making Jaemin smile. 

"Nana come on or we're leaving you." Y/n calls to him making him laugh. 

"I'm coming I didn't stay here do for nothing you know." 

Good ending

Well the third ending and Y/n gets to be with Jaemin and the others. Now there's only one ending left which sadly will be the last chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEE!!!

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