Winwin and Yuta

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!!Warring mentions of abuse, death and suicide if uncomfortable please skip this chapter it'll be in the whole chapter!!!

   Back then it was before Winwin had his trauma, back then he was just a normal kid with an annoying shadow that always followed him. This shadow happened to be Yuta, when they were kids they were neighbors to a new country. One from China and the other from Japan. Yuta took a liking to Winwin back then so he always stuck with him. Winwin didn't mind because he had a friend in this strange new place, but when they turn teens that's when it all started. 

  "Sicheng do you know what your going to do with you life?" The teacher asks the Chinese boy who was taking notes. Sicheng didn't know how to respond since he hadn't really thought about. 

"I didn't think that far ahead." Sicheng answers honestly, what did you expect from him? He's just trying to live his life, why do people always gotta know what's next in your life. 

"Well you better start thinking young man, not everyone is going to aspect a guy with just a high school degree." The teacher tells him and moves to the Japanese boy next to him. 

"What about you Yuta? What do you plan after high school?" The teacher asks Yuta. 

"I plan to become a doctor ma'am, but I don't see why you have to know what we all plan to do after high school. Can't we just live our lives?" Yuta asks her making the other students chuckle and agree with him. Sicheng looks at Yuta seeing him defend him for another time. He always felt like Yuta had to save him from something, either it being to harsh thing called life or himself. 

  After class Sicheng didn't wait for Yuta so he had to run to catch up with his friend. Yuta stated talking to him, but he didn't respond to him. When he sat down for lunch Yuta didn't touch his food. He just started at Winwin.

"Yuta hyung please stop your being creepy." Sicheng tells him. 

"So you only talk to me when I'm being creepy?" Yuta says to the sophomore in high school. Sicheng looks up and looks back down. Yuta sighs and starts to eat his food. 

"Why do you always have to defend me? I feel like I can't do anything without Super-Yuta there to save me." Sicheng tells him making Yuta stop what he's doing.

"I feel like I can't do anything. I can't do fun things like stay up late and be at the park without my dad breathing down my neck. I can't find a moments of peace at night because my mom is crying. I worried about them hyung, dad is getting more stressed and he's letting his angry out on my mom. Mom can't defend herself and when I try he locks me in my room. " Sicheng starts to vent to his closest and only friend. 

"I can only be there for her when he gone, she's getting weaker I don't know how much longer she can take this hyung. What if....what if he does something really bad to her and I can't help her?" Sicheng says and feels arms around him. 

"That won't happen. I had no idea this was happening at your house. Is this why you don't come over as much now?" Yuta asks as he wipes away the tears Sicheng has. He nods and Yuta continues to comfort his friend. 

"I promise to be there for you for all my life. No matter what I'll do my very best to help you out anyway I can." And that he did. Yuta came over more often, sometimes Sicheng's mom would joke that Yuta actually lives there instead of his actual house. Though it was good thing he came over more. One time the house was empty and he found Sicheng in the bathroom with a knife in his hands ready to take his life away. 

  Yuta had to keep a close eye on him now. His dad was getting worse and so was the rest of his family. Yuta was really worrying about Sicheng's mental stability, but he wasn't as worried as he was now. At the moment he was a second year in collage while Sicheng was senior in high school. Yuta had told him he would get a house or apartment for the two of them so he wouldn't have to live at his house. Well that was the plan, until Yuta's mom calls him crying saying Sicheng's father killed his mother and Sicheng killed his father. Now he was missing. 

  Yuta calls Sicheng after he gets off the phone with his mom to find where his best friend was at. Sicheng picks up the phone thankfully letting Yuta breathe a little. 

"Sicheng where the hell are you?" Yuta asks him and then hears a knock at his dorm room. 

"I'm here." Yuta hears a tiny deep voice on the other side of the phone. He goes to open the door to find a bloody Sicheng. Yuta pulls him in to hide him from the cops. 

"Were you followed?" Yuta asks him and he shakes his head. 

"Come on I'll help you get cleaned up." Yuta says taking his friend to take a shower, after getting cleaned Yuta washed his clothes after looking up how to get blood out of clothes. Peroxide helps a lot. Yuta leaded Sicheng some of his clothes for the time being. 

"Sicheng what the heck happened? My mom called me saying your dad killed your mom and then you killed him. What-" 

"Don't mention that bastered he had it coming. He had it coming this whole time." Sicheng starts laughing like a mad man making the older one a bit sacred, but then he started hearing him crying. 

"'ll be okay. I promise I'll help you out okay." Yuta says sitting front of the Sicheng what Yuta didn't notice is that Sicheng had a small knife in his hands. Sicheng starts giggling. 

"You know it's kinda a win win, I don't have to hear my mom crying anymore and I don't have to worry about that asshole. Wanna make it a triple win Yuta hyung?" Sicheng says as he tries to stab Yuta, thankfully he had a medicine that would knock him for the time being. Yuta kept him in a room hoping it would help him. It only did for two years, after those two years Yuta brought him into the hospital where he was working. While Yuta was working his way up to becoming a head doctor, Winwin was still in a bad place and kept fighting with everyone unless it was Yuta. He had gotten so bad they had to chain him up to a chair. 

  A sad tale of two people having history with each other and Winwin makes sure Yuta feels horrible for it. Even though all he was trying to do was help him. Now Winwin has a new person to help him. One he knows that will help him if he plays his cards right. It's no longer Winwin and Yuta, it's now Winwin and Y/n. 

"Sicheng will you please talk to me?" Yuta asks the chained up man. 


Well here's a new chapter and we now know what's up with Winwin and Yuta. Who will be next of this web of secrets? Find out next time! Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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