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Warring strong language

   After the whole thing with Xiaojun, Y/n still had to see Yangyang inside the new room. She told the others to go on ahead of her, what she didn't think is how they would react when they saw him. 

"Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. And fuck you." Y/n hears Yangyang's voice. Jaemin saw that she was there already and went over to her. 

"Y/n I don't think this is a great idea anymore." Jaemin says to her.

"No it'll be fine, he's probably upset. Who came first?" Y/n ask him and he sighs. 

"I  did." Jaemin says.


"Jaemin come on Y/n is pretty much the boss down here. Now let's go see Yangyang." Renjun says looking at his friend. 

"And if he doesn't want to see us?" Jaemin says as he doesn't move. 

"He can't hurt us, not like last time. Y/n is helping him who know's maybe he's a bit better then the last time we saw him." Jeno says as he guides him to Yangyang's room. Jaemin ended up being the first person Yangyang sees. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Yangyang says getting up from where he was to walk over to the group. 

"We're here to help Y/n." Jaemin answers. 

"Y/n doesn't need any help. She's fine by herself. She doesn't need you." Yangyang says, Jaemin was now getting upset each he shouldn't have. 

"Yeah well I get to be with her and hold her. Your inside your cage because you kill your friends. I bet she's not even your friend!" Jaemin says as Jeno holds him back from going up to the glass. Once realize what he's said he felt horrible. He saw the heart broken face on Yangyang's face. It broke his heart as well. He saw how Yangyang's face went from heart broken to anger fast. 

"Fuck you Na Jaemin! Fuck you Huang Renjun! Fuck you Lee Jeno! Fuck you Lee Donghyuck! I hate you all!" Yangyang yells from inside his room. 

"Thanks Jaemin now he hates us even more." Donghyuck says and Renjun hits his head. 


"Jaemin that wasn't nice. Now he's not going to let any of you touch him. Which is why I wanted your guys to help to put the chains on him." Y/n sighs now having to think of another plan. Yangyang happened to see Y/n making him stop talk and put a smile on his face. 

"My toy! My sweet sweet toy!" Yangyang cheers seeing Y/n walk over to him. 

"Yangyang I'm going to need you to calm down a bit. Jaemin is just being a butt head." Y/n says trying to calm Yangyang down. 

"Then get rid of him." Yangyang says in a dark tone. 

"Yangyang it's not nice to say something like this to a friend." Y/n says. A timer went off and Yangyang's door opens. Y/n forgot that only Ten's and Yangyang's door will open now when it's time for them to go to the meeting room. 

"Y/n is my toy and only mine." Yangyang says getting out of his room and walks up to Y/n. Jaemin thought he was going to hurt her, but he only hugged her like a child hugging their mother. 

"None of you will take her from me." Yangyang says as Y/n pats his back.

"Come on Jeno and I are going to bring you into another room. There you won't see them after. Will that be okay?" Y/n says having him look at her. He nods and Jeno walks over to them. It was clear to Y/n that Yangyang didn't trust any of them to be near her. Mainly Jaemin at the moment. 

  Jeno helped Y/n bring Yangyang into the room, but didn't let him touch him. Y/n had him watch just in case Yangyang tried something. He didn't for now. Jeno went into the other room and watch Y/n at work. 

"So Yangyang how are you feeling right now?" Y/n asks before she felt a very dark aura around her. It made her so sacred she couldn't breathe. 

"Stay away from them." Yangyang says looking at the room Jeno went into to. Yangyang was thinking of how great it would be to get rid of Jeno, Donghyuck, Renjun and Jaemin. Especially Jaemin. 

"Yangyang I can't do that their my friends. I could never do that to my friends." Y/n tells him making him look at her. 

"Are we not friends?" He asks her making her shocked that he asked her that.

"Of course we are." Y/n answers him. There she was letting him in. 

"If we're friends then you should listen when a friends warns you about people. I'm not the one who should be locked up! They should be locked up!" Yangyang yells and bangs his hands on the table. 

"Why do you think they should locked up Yangyang?" Y/n asks as his facial expression turns  to one that can scare anyone. It sent a shiver down Y/n's shine. 

"They to take you away from me, from us. You belong with us, you're just as broken as us. You don't know it yet, but you love us as we love you." Yangyang says as he now has a lovesick look in his eyes. Y/n didn't know how to respond this time. With Yangyang she could always answer him, but not this time. 

"Yangyang I-"

"You love us right Y/n?" Yangyang asks the girl. She knew if she answered this wrong then he would throw a fit, and if he told the others how would they react. She had not choice it wasn't like she was lying. She liked them, was sacred of them, but always came back. 

"Of course I love you guys. Your very important to me." She says making the boy smile. After Yangyang and her had a happy conversion. Y/n had Shotaro help her bring Yangyang back to his room this time. She didn't want him getting mad with the others again. 

"Bye Yangyang I'm going to head over to Lucas' room okay. I'll see you later." Y/n waves him bye and walks into the other room. He watches her as she walks off and has the most lovesick face anyone has seen. His face with bright red as he puts his hand over his chest. 

"She will be mine." 

Hey everyone here's some more of Yangyang and we'll learn more about Lucas in the next chapters. Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

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