My brother

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  Y/n was sitting on her bed thinking of how her and Jaehyun's argument went. Yes they've argue many times, but none like this. Plus it was in front of Yangyang, he most likely will tell the others. She sighs grabbing her phone and dialing Jaehyun's phone. 

"Hey it's Jae, leave a message or text me." His phone goes to voice mail. Which was strange because he always picked up. 

"Hey Jae it's me, I want to say sorry for pushing your buttons today. I know I pushed you I'm sorry oppa. Love you call me back. Bye." Y/n hangs up the voicemail and sighs she heads to the bathroom to do wash her face. Once her face was clean she looked back up to the mirror only to be sacred. Not only was her reflection was in it, but was Jaemin's. 

"J-Jaemin." Y/n says still looking in the mirror. He tilts his head telling her he's listening. 

"W-what. What are you doing here?" Y/n asks he doesn't answer her. She looks back to find no one there. She looks back at the mirror to see he's gone. 

"Jaemin..." Y/n says as she walks out of the bathroom. She won't be entering the bathroom for a while now. She grabs her phone to see if Jaehyun texted her or not. Nothing. It starts to worry her now, she was about to call him again, but she heard knocking on her door. Walking over to open it to see a out of breath Yuta. 

"Yuta what are you doing here?" Y/n asks him. 

"Y/n it's Jaehyun!" Yuta tells her making her eyes widen. He grabs her hand and brings her out her home and closes the door for her. Then he runs holding her hand to the hospital. 

"Yuta what's going on?" Y/n asks him as he keeps quite. It was like that the whole run there. He brings her into Taeyong's office, it wasn't only the head doctors in there, but Jungwoo and Doyoung as well. 

"What's going on?" Y/n says as Jungwoo looks away from her. Some of them couldn't face her. 

"Yuta show her. It'll be easier then telling her." Taeyong says as he also faces away. Yuta brings her into the next room where they bring the people who have passed away. In the room was a bed and a person though the person was covered. 

"I don't get it who's that? Wait don't tell me it's one of the boys." Y/n says worried as Yuta shakes his head. He lets go of her hand and heads over to the body. He uncovers the part covering the head and Y/n gasps.

  It was Jaehyun, her brother. Now she knows why he didn't pick up. It was because he was dead. She walks over to him and holds his hand. She starts to cry. 

"Jaehyun....Hey wake up. Please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Jaehyun I'm sorry! Please come back I swear I won't be a bitch to you. Please I can't lose you too!" Y/n yells holding her brother's body. Crying and crying, it was just like she felt with Jaemin. But worse, this was her brother. Someone who's been with her since birth. 

  Y/n looks at him, and notices the red marks on his neck. She looks back at Taeyong and the others. 

"w-was he choked?" Y/n asks dryly since she was crying. Taeyong looks to the others as they nod. He sighs and brings her to his desk and sets her down. 

"This was caught on the cameras." Taeyong says as he plays the video. It shows Jaehyun at his desk and another person placing something on the floor. Jaehyun goes to pick it up and puts it back where it belongs. Then he gets knocked on the head and the person goes and chokes him. It looked as if they were talking before Jaehyun died.

  Y/n paused the video not wanting to see anymore, making her cry even more. Jungwoo goes to hug her and give her comfort. 

"Y/n you need to watch the rest of this. It's important." Jungwoo tells her as she shakes her head. 

"I can't." Y/n says looking at him. 

"I know, but believe me you'll feel worse if you find out later." Jungwoo tells her as she nods. She looks at Taeyong's computer and press play again. The person stands and walks away. Jungwoo plays the part again and pauses it so Y/n can see the person. 

"Yangyang." Y/n says staring at the video. 

"Yangyang killed Jaehyun." Y/n says as all of her sadness and regret turned into anger. She stands up and heads out of the office. With Yuta hot on her tail. She went down to the underground and heads for Yangyang's room. 

"Y/n think about what your doing! Your doing this on pure emotion." Yuta tells her as he grabs her arms before she goes into Yangyang's room. 

"Yuta he killed my brother! We both know Lucas was behind the reason why Jaemin killed himself too! I not letting them kill any more people I love and care about." Y/n says trying to get out of his grip, but he pins her to the wall behind her. 

"Then what will you tell him? We don't know how he got out in the first place." Yuta tells her, but she pushes him back. 

"I don't give a fuck about what I say to him. He killed my brother! How would you feel if someone you knew killed your brother or sister?!" Y/n yells at him as he grabs her again, but holds her tight. 

"The same way if they were to hurt you! I care about you Y/n, but you're too blind to see that I'm in love with you!" Yuta yells at her making her stop struggling. 

"Y-you love me." Y/n says as she feels Yuta's hold get lose a bit. 

"Yes, we've grown close. I love the way you care for people. How could I not fall in love with you." Yuta tells her letting her face him. 

"Come on let's get out of here. I feel like were being watched." Yuta tells her making her nod. Little did Yuta and Y/n know they were being watched. 

"Hyung were losing her." 

'I hope you do.'

Welp here's a new chapter and don't worry Yuta is going to be safe for the next few chapters. You all can rest. For now :). Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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