Good people

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  Mark led Y/n and Jaemin back to where the little kids were at and when they got there they saw two people under a pile of toys. Jaemin started to laugh while Mark was shaking his head, Y/n just looked confused as to what happened to them. 

"Mark hyung help us! But help me first!" One of them says as the other one looks like he's about to snap. Then another boy comes in. 

"Oh Jisung there you are, oh hi Renjun hyung." The boy says waving. Mark shakes his head as Y/n giggles a little. 

"Y/n the two guys under the pile of toys are Jisung and Renjun, the guy over there is Chenle." Mark tells Y/n. For the rest of the day Y/n wanted to get to know Renjun, Jisung and Chenle, but it wasn't going to be worth it since this will be the only day she'll see them. Though Chenle really like being around the girl. Jisung was a little shy and Renjun was chill around Y/n. Y/n loved that she was able to get along with everyone, but knew it wouldn't matter tomorrow. 

  It was the end of the day, Jaemin was driving Y/n home. Like it was in the morning now at night. The drive was peaceful, no one needed to talk. They adrived at Y/n's house, Y/n gets out of the car and thanks Jaemin. 

"Call me when you get home." Y/n tells him making him nod. 

"I will, I'll see you tomorrow." Jaemin tells her as he drives off to his home. Y/n goes inside her home and makes herself some food before bed. 

The next day

   The morning went on like it did the day before, but this time Y/n was was very nervous. Jaemin noticed it right away when Y/n got into the car and he drove to the Hospital. 

"If you show your nervous to them they'll use it against you. Number one thing to remember down there. Never let them get close." Jaemin tells Y/n making her nod and calm down a bit. 

"Thanks Nana, I can always count on you." Y/n smiles feeling better. They get to hospital and once inside they saw Taeyong and Johnny waiting for Y/n. Jaemin wished Y/n good luck and headed off to where he needed to be, leaving Y/n with the two head doctors.

"You ready Y/n?" Taeyong asks her. 

"Yes I'm ready." Y/n answers him making Johnny chuckle. He hands her familiar files and they head to the elevator. Y/n was in the middle of the tow doctors as they arrived in the underground. Taeyong lead Y/n and Johnny to stairs and on the top of the stairs Y/n was able to see all seven of the boys. 

"Woah." Y/n says taking it all in looking at all the boys. Taeyong started walking again and went down the stairs the room they ended up at happened to be Hendrey's. He came out of the water and got out of the tank he was in. 

"Y/n this button here turns on the sprinklers inside, it helps him stay out of his tank more often. Out of all the boys Hendrey here made a little bit progress, but don't trust him." Taeyong says as Hendrey listens to him, he nods agreeing to Taeyong's statement. 

"Well we'll leave the rest to you, if you need us just press this and one of us will come to see what's up." Johnny says giving her a control with a button on it. Y/n looks up at Johnny and smiles. 

"Thank you I'll make sure to press this when I need help." Y/n says then Taeyong and Johnny leave. Y/n sighs then looks to her left and jumps a little. There Hendery was staring at her like he was looking into her soul. Y/n didn't know what to do, but she knew if kept looking at him she would feel very uncomfortable. 

"Ten said we should trust you. How do you feel about that?" Hendery asks her, it was the first time he talk'd to her. It kinda shocked her when she spoke to her. 

"Well it's nice to know Ten feels he can trust me, I just have a lot of mixed emotions right now." Y/n says mentally slapping herself. Jaemin told her not to show she was nervous. 

"If Ten says we should trust you then maybe. I really don't like new people." Hendery tells Y/n making her nod. 

"I understand that, but maybe while I'm here we can get to know each other. I wanna help you and the others sure you all are very dangerous, but there was a time when you all weren't. We're all good people in the beginning." Y/n explains to Hendrey, he looks at her with wide eyes. Eyes that had a sense of hope. Y/n smiles at him then heads over to the sprinkler button. She saw it had a timer on it. 

"Hey Hendery how long you want the sprinklers on?" Y/n asks him, never once had someone asked him want he wanted. 

"Two hours that's how long Dr. Lee puts it on for." Hendery answers her watching her set the timer. He sees her writing something down in his file, making him wonder what she was doing. 

"Alright I'll be back in two hours to see how your doing okay. I'm going to see the others, but I'll be back to see you." Y/n waves at Hendrey as she leaves to the next room. The next room happened to be Yangyang's room. Y/n took a deep breath and prep herself for what she'll be seeing. Y/n looks inside the room and see the glass was more thinker this time. She also saw Yangyang's hands bandaged up, explains how he got out. He was rocking himself back and forth holding himself. 

   Y/n would be lying if she said it didn't break her heart to see him like that. Sure she didn't know him, but she had the feeling he's been here for most of his life now. 

"Hi Yangyang." Y/n says getting his attention, he looks up to meet her eyes. Once they met Y/n gave him a small smile. Yangyang gets up and runs to the glass. He bangs his head once to get there worrying Y/n a little. 

"It's you.....It's you it's you it's you! It's really you!" Yangyang says as he jumps for joy. He looked like a little kid who was about to get a new toy. 

"Can you please come in here my toy. I promise not to hurt you I just wanna play. Please can we play?" Yangyang asks Y/n looking like he was about to cry. 

"I'm sorry Yangyang, but I can't play with you right now. Maybe when I come back from visting the others then we'll see." Y/n tells Yangyang, he looks at her with a soft look. Y/n thought he would have a look of anger on him or one where he was sad, but he looked like he understood what she meant. 

"Okay come back quickly, I want you to be here with me." Yangyang says then Y/n nods. 

"Of course you are the main reason why I'm working here now." 

Hey y'all what you guys think of this chapter? Don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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