Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing a story so please let me know if you enjoy it and if I should continue. Your opinions and criticisms will be greatly appreciated.. I hope you enjoy. Please read the first few chapters,I promise it gets better as the story moves along. Please don't leave this story after only reading the first chapter. The next few chapters contain a lot of angst and drama.

(Jons Chambers)
When Jon woke up he felt so cold and alone despite the woman he loved being next to him. The beauty kissed by fire. They reunited after he took back Winterfell. He had thought she was long gone until a few weeks after the take back of Winterfell she arrived with a handful of wildings. He was surprised to see her again. His heart was overwhelmed with joy and he had thought that by her being here he'd feel more alive. However ever since he was brought back to life nothing really had made him feel alive. He was physically alive but he felt as if his soul was dead.
Despite his own personal problems he knew that he'd have to put it aside and focus on the Great War to come. They needed all the help they could get in order to defeat the night king and so when he was invited to Dragonstone by the dragon queen, he decided that it would be for the best if he took this invitation and journeyed to Dragonstone.

A cold touch on his shoulders drew him out of his thoughts. "Jon", a familiar voice whispered softly.
"Ygritte," he whispered his voice barely above a whisper.
Ygritte looked deeply into his eyes and placed her cold hands on his cheeks. "I know today's the day you plan on departing to Dragonstone but please don't leave me Jon, it could be a trap. Even Sansa thinks so. Don't risk it Jon, it's not worth it".
"You know I can't do that, it's the only way I can try and secure men to fight this war. She has dragons, Ygritte. Dragonfire can kill the army of the dead. We need her and I have to take the risk and try and convince her despite everything", he said, his voice strained and distant. He was honoured to be named King in the north and thus he had to take every risk to secure allies to save his people.
"You know nothin, Jon Snow or should I say your Grace" Ygritte replied with an eye roll. "If this dragon queen burns you alive what am I suppose to do, I am your woman Jon Snow, I'll be lost without you" she said gently.
He kissed her softly, their lips lingered on each other for a while. "I will try my hardest to make it back to you, I promise you" he said.

(The Courtyard)
He was about to leave on his journey South, it would take a fortnight for him to arrive in Dragonstone.
In the courtyard stood Sansa and he went to approach her in order to say his goodbyes.
"Please take care while I'm gone Sansa. Don't worry about me. I will send a raven once I've reached Dragonstone. I trust you'll be able to handle Winterfell while I'm away" he said and gave her a short hug.
Sansa replied, " Please be careful Jon, you know Starks don't do well in the South. We don't know what the Mad kings daughter is capable off. Travel safe."
And with a nod and slight smile he got onto his horse and made his way to White Harbour. Accompanying him on his journey would be Ser Davos his hand as well as a few northmen.


She was seated in the chamber with the painted table, Tyrion had arranged to meet with her in order to discuss the reply from the North. Her most trusted advisors were currently in the room, Missandei, Grey worm, Tyrion and Varys. Well she didn't really trust the last person much but he was still her advisor and needed to be present for such meetings.
"What news of the North" she said.
Lord Tyrion looked at her with a serious face and replied, "Jon Snow will be traveling to Dragonstone and should be here in a fortnight, surely he'll be coming here to bend the knee in person, otherwise he truly is foolish".
"This is good news, this Jon Snow sounds like quite the man and I'm positive he will be useful to our cause, however if he refuses to bend the knee there will be repercussions. The North declaring independence from the six other kingdoms could be a great issue" she said.
"We need to be allied with the North if we are to successfully take the iron throne with hardly any bloodshed" said the spider.
"We will be" she said with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

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