Chapter 24

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I will be updating this story every second day.
Enjoy the chapter ❣️ let me know your thoughts.

(Kings Landing)

He knew the Queen was still furious at him, she no longer wanted him as her Hand. That broke his heart but he understood why she felt that way. He had lost her important allies, had trusted and undermined Cersei every chance he got. But he hoped she would give him another chance. She was the ruler he would be honored to serve. She was a strong woman and she had good ideas. The people would not suffer under her, after years and years the seven kingdoms would have peace.

He knew that the only person who could change her mind on the matter would be Jon Snow, so he made his way to see him.

He was resting in bed, he had a nasty wound on his head.

"Lord Tyrion, what brings you here ?" Jon asked with a confused look on his face.

"I'm here to check on the Queens favorite Northerner" he replies back with a grin.

"I'm not her favorite Northerner" Jon replies uncomfortably.

"Of course you are. I've seen how she was when she was with Daario, and how she is with you. She does truly love you, you most definitely are her favorite person" he replies back smugly.

"Aye, I suppose I am" Jon replies.

"Can you believe that the last two Targaryens that grew up on opposite ends of the world would find each other and promptly fuck" he jests.

"There's no reason to be crude" says Jon with a glare.

"My apologies. I knew you would make a fine match for her as soon as you came to Dragonstone. You are a good man, and I know you'll keep her happy" he says.

"I didn't feel that way back then. I might have been named King in the North but I was still just a bastard, undeserving of a woman like her. But now after I've found out who I really am, I feel like I am much more deserving of her" Jon replies with a frown.

"Our queen, does not care about things like that. I have no doubt that she would've married you even if it was not revealed that you are the last of her last kin" he says confidently.

The queen did not judge others. She never disrespected him like others had for being an imp. She was stubborn and steadfast but she was also truly kind and strong.

"She said that as well. I just hope I recover fast enough so I can marry her" Jon says.

"You are strong, you'll be healed in no time" he replies with a smile.

"Aye, I hope so" Jon responds.

"I suppose a congratulations is in order. I am truly thrilled about the Queens pregnancy" he says with a smile.

"Thank you. I am too" replies Jon in his gruff Northern voice.

"The queen no longer wants me as her hand" he says sadly.

"You have made far to many mistakes. You're quite incompetent. She has a right to want you removed" Jon says.

"She does, but I was hoping she would give me one last chance. I will no longer have meaning in my life if she removes me from her service" he says sadly.

"I will try to convince her to give you a chance. I can see how much you care about her, and she needs advisors that truly care about her" Jon replies.

He was happy to hear this. The queen would surely listen to Jon. He was the only person who could convince her to change her mind.

"Thank you, Jon" he replies with gratitude.

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