Chapter 21

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Enjoy this chapter❣️ It's more of a filler chapter. More interesting things will happen in the next few chapters.



It had been 4 days since the troops had left for Kings Landing. She too would make her way on Drogon on the following day.
She had missed Jon terribly. The bed felt much colder without him, and Dragonstone less homely.

She had still been feeling very fatigue. She couldn't hold off seeing a healer any longer. She needed to be well enough to fly on Drogon.

"Chakki is here to see you, Your Grace" came Missandeis voice.

"Send her in" she replies.

"Khaleesi" says the Dothraki healer.

Chakki begins to check her body, touching her stomach and breasts. She also asks her off her symptoms.

Chakki smiles brightly at her and says in Dothraki "You are pregnant, Khaleesi"

She was astounded, the witch had cursed her womb, it was impossible for her to have a babe and yet she was pregnant. She should have known it, the signs were all there, but she couldn't let herself think that way only to end up having false hope.
But this was a reality now. She would be a mother, House Targaryen would be restored.

Chakki said she was around 2 moons pregnant. She feared that she would lose the babe, but she had to stay positive and be strong. She had to have faith in herself, in Daenerys Targaryen.

Perhaps the witch had lied to her, maybe Daario was unable to have Babes. Not her.
She could not wait to tell Jon of the babe. They would finally have their chance at being a happy family. She would tell him after they took Kings Landing as she would not be able to have a moment alone with him with all the battle commotion going on.

Missandei enters her chambers.

"Are you well" Missandei asks.

"I'm pregnant" she replies with a wide smile on her face.

"I'm so happy for you" says Missandei as she pulls her into an embrace.

"I'm happy as well. I never thought I'd get this chance" she replies thrilled.

"Lord Snow will be thrilled" says Missandei with a smile.

"I'm sure he will be. This has been all I've wanted for years, my own family and it's finally happening" she says with happy tears falling freely from her eyes.

She sits with her friend for a while, while they discuss the good news.

"The council meeting should be starting soon, we should make our way there" says Missandei.

"Very well, let's go" she replies.

She would be gone tomorrow and would have to leave some orders to make sure that there would be no havoc in Dragonstone while she was away.

"Your Grace" bows all the people in the meeting chamber.

"As you all know, I will be departing to Kings Landing tomorrow. I will be leaving behind 500 Unsullied guards for your protection. My closest advisor, Missandei will be in charge while I'm gone. She will attend to matters and problems you might have. I trust you all to respect her and respect each other" she commands in a gentle tone.

They all agree in unison.

"Once we take Kings Landing, we will send a raven, informing you off the plans to beat the Night King" she says, her voice commanding respect.

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