Chapter 2

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She gathered in the throne room along with her advisors as they awaited the arrival of Jon Snow. She wondered what he would be like. From what she's heard about him he does seem like quite the man. Brave and heroic, but still he was committing treason by being an open rebellion to the crown.
She sat on the throne and waited, lost in thought.
The doors opened and there entered a man with curly black hair and deep dark eyes. He looked to be young and probably was around the same age as her. He was dressed in armor and to be honest she thought he looked very comely. Next to him was an older man also in armor. This Jon Snow didn't really look like a king to her and looked more like a soldier.

Missandei introduced her," You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First men, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Queen of Mereen".
She noticed that both Jon Snow and the older man seemed surprised at all her titles. She looked at Jon Snow and then the older man awkwardly said, "This is Jon Snow, he's the king in the North".

"It's an honour to meet you Lord Snow, I hope the travels were well" she said.
"It's not lord, its King" said the older man.
Jon Snow replied calmly," It's alright Ser Davos, I'm here because we need each other your grace to survive the war that's coming. Behind the wall, there is an army of the dead that is coming for all of us. We need to stand United and fight together if we are to survive what's coming".
Army of the dead she thought to herself. Does this Jon Snow take me for a fool. "I assumed you were here to bend the knee. However what makes you think I need your help Lord Snow, did you see the three dragons when you arrived ? So many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. I have been sold like a broodmare. I've been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any gods, not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen. And yet I need your help ?"
"No your grace I am not here to bend the knee. I know that it might seem like I'm insane but I am not a liar your Grace. The army of the dead are coming for all of us and it matters not about these politic about the crown and kingdoms. We need to stick together if we're to all survive".
He seemed so passionate about his cause which stirred up some fire in her. She wasn't sure of what to believe but he did seem like a genuine man and she was left wanting to know more about him and this army that he speaks off.
"Please escort Lord Snow and his men to their chambers and have a bath drawn for them and food served to them" she commanded in Dothraki to her men.
"Am I your prisoner", asked Jon Snow.
"Not yet" she replied.

(Later that night)
He sat in his chambers and thought of how he could convince Queen Daenerys to fight for his cause. He understood that he probably does sound crazy and why would she believe him. He needed to prove to her that she could trust him but also he needed to do that without bending the knee.
He never expected her to be so beautiful and angelic. He heard she was the most beautiful woman in the world but thought that to be just rumors but now that his seen it he can confirm it. She has glorious silver hair and pale skin. She looked enchanting. A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts about the enchanting dragon queen.
"Come in", he said.
"The queen invited you to come dine with her in her chambers" said the man.
This came as a shock to him, why would she want me to dine with her after I refused to bend the knee. He follows the guard and makes his way to the queens chambers. He enters and sees her seated their with dishes on the table. She's wearing a blue gown and looks glorious.
"Come sit with me Lord Snow", she commands.
"You can just call me Jon" he replies as he takes a seat next to her.
" I understand that you speak of this army of the dead, and despite the fact that I might not believe you I wish to know more about it and perhaps I could change my mind".
He was shocked to hear this, he thought that she'd be angry about him not bending the knee and yet she seemed so calm and looked so regal as she asked him to tell her about the army of the dead.
He replies, "This army consists of the Night King, white walkers and wights. The night king has the power to raise the dead so his army grows larger and larger everyday. Which is why we need to work together to stop him. Only Dragonglass and fire can kill the army of the dead. We're still not sure what can kill the night king though. But if the night king was killed the whole army of the dead will fall." She looks very engrossed in what his saying, he continues" I know I sound crazy your grace but you have to trust me, I've seen them, I've fought them I know the great danger that's out there".
Her face softens and she replies, "This all sounds like a myth Jon but I don't take you to be a liar so why don't you bend the knee and I will be willing to fight for you and your people. If not then there's not much help I can offer you and I do wish you well in this war to come".
This troubled him, how can she only care about the throne when I'm telling her there is a greater threat. He needs to make her understand. Impulsively he touches her hand which was rested on the table, immediately when he touches it he feels a heat in his body. He doesn't know why her touch affects him in this way since he just met her. She looks confused back at him obviously taken aback by him touching her hand.
He says softly " I wish I could pledge the North to you your grace but the North won't trust a southern ruler again since they've already suffered enough. You seem like a good queen but I don't know really you and the north doesn't either so I cannot bend the knee, but Daenerys please trust me on this, if you don't help us with this war we will all die".
She looks like his touch might be having the same affect on her as it is on him.
"I can't pledge my forces to a cause that I don't even know exists to a kingdom that won't pledge itself to me, I truly am sorry Jon, I will however let you mine the dragonglass and provide all the resources and men you'll need to do it. That's the only help I can offer I'm afraid".
He moves his hand away from hers. He is troubled that she won't provide her help but he does understand that she won't believe him because she has not seen it. I mean honestly who would. He replies, "Thank you your grace. I hope you will change your mind and help us, we do need all the help we can get".
They sat together for a while and got to know each other a bit better. She told him about all she's achieved and her life back in Meereen. He also shared stories of his life back at the wall as well as his life back at Winterfell. He thought he had a bad childhood but after hearing about how she grew up he was grateful for how he grew up. It pained him that this beautiful angelic queen grew up like that. He felt an odd connection to her in the short time they spent together.
Weeks had passed and they were almost done mining the dragonglass and they were set to leave soon. The queen and him had spent a lot of time together and shared many suppers together. The more he got to know her the more he realized that she would be exactly what Westeros needed.
He also felt oddly attracted to her. She was exquisite but that's not what only drew him in, it was her personality to, she was headstrong and brave and beautiful. Many times he thought about bending the knee to this woman but he knew that it would cause more problems in the North.
He was invited to her counsel meetings with her advisors and he did give advice on certain things. He did advice that Lord Tyrion the queens hand write to Cersei and ask for aid to fight the Great War. If Cersei were to agree then surely Daenerys would also fight and put the battle for the iron throne aside for the time being. He knew however that it's chances of working was low without proof. So he decided that he would go back North with a group of men and capture a wight and take it to kings landing.
The queen thought his idea was ridiculous and dangerous. Her close advisor that had returned recently, Ser Jorah agreed to accompany him.
He didn't like this man and not only for the reason that this man fled the north after being charged for selling slaves but also because he didnt like how close Daenerys was to this man. He saw the way Jorah looked at Daenerys. He saw the want in Jorahs eyes. He knew that look all to well because over the last few weeks he's seen that look in the mirror.
He shouldn't even be feeling this way about Daenerys. He had a lover back at Winterfell, the beauty  kissed by fire.
But even she couldn't make him feel the way Daenerys had made him feel recently.

Chapter Notes- In the next chapter Jon and Jorah will travel to capture a wight, feeling will be exposed and promises will be made.

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