Chapter 16

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He could not believe what Sansa had revealed to him. It did make sense though, Jon was able to ride Rhaegal, no one but Targaryens were able to ride Dragons.

Sansa had also told him that Daenerys knew off Jons true identity. He wondered why  she did not trust him, her hand, enough to tell him the news. The smartest way forward would be for Jon and Daenerys to wed, but Jon was already wed to a wildling, and had a babe on the way. If he left the wildling girl, for the queen, it could cause problems between them and the Wildlings.

He hoped that Sansa would not tell anyone else of the news. If word did get out, it would lead to all the lords wanting Jon to take the throne. They had always preferred a male to be in power.

He needed to inform Varys, and see what Varys had thought of the situation.

He makes his way to Varys chambers.
"There's a matter we need to discuss" he says to Varys.
"What is it, old friend" Varys replies cooly.
He informs Varys about Jon Snows true identity.

"It does make sense now, how Jon or should I say Aegon was able to ride a Dragon" says Varys.
He continues "Jon would be a fine ruler. He was brought up by one of the most honorable men in all seven kingdoms".
This shocks Tyrion. How can the spider want to switch sides and talk of supporting another and not their queen.
"What you're suggesting is treason, Varys. Stop this right now. Otherwise you might find yourself burnt alive" he speaks his words carefully.
He immediately realizes it was a mistake to tell Varys and he hoped that his friend will not cause problems for the two of them.
The queen will no doubt execute them both if she found out what Varys was suggesting.


He was worried about his relationship with Daenerys. She had told him that he broke her trust, and a relationship with no trust is no relationship at all.
He could see the look of defeat in her eyes when he had told her of what he'd done.
He had been stupid, and had done it at the worse time possible, he understood that now.
He would go try to speak to her, and try and mend things between them, if she'd allow him to.

He is making his way back into the castle , when he sees Lord Varys approaching him.
"Your Grace" says Varys.
"I'm no longer a king, my lord" he replies back dryly.
"You know they say, every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin, and the world holds their breath" says Lord Varys.
He doesn't know why Lord Varys is telling him this.
"We're not much for riddles where I'm from" he shrugs and says.
"What do you want, Lord Varys" he asks the spider annoyed.
"What I've always wanted, the rightful ruler on the throne. I still don't know how her coin has landed, but I'm quite certain about yours" the spider says.
So Sansa, had not even waited long before spilling the news. Daenerys was right, he was foolish to tell his family. He had now made himself a threat to her rule.
"I don't want it, I never have" he spits out at Varys.
"You will rule wisely and well, while she.." Lord Varys says. He cuts him of before he can complete that sentence.
"She is my queen" he roars back.
He walks back into the castle, Lord Varys follows behind him.
"Unsullied, take this man to the cells" he commands.
"Your Grace, what are you doing ? I just want what's best for the realms" pleads Varys.
"No, you don't " he growls back.


She could not believe how foolish Jon had been. She trusted him, not to tell anyone, especially not before informing her.
And yet that's exactly what he'd done.
He was now a threat to her rule, the last male of house Targaryen. More people love him in Westeros and they will make sure that he's the one left on the throne.
This could very well cause her downfall.

The smartest thing for them to do is to get married, this would not allow anyone to push his claim to the throne as he'd already be married into it. But she knew this was impossible. Her love, was a married man, he had a pregnant wife. He would not just cast them aside to play her King.

The next option would be to send him back to the Nights watch after the wars were over. By going to the Nights watch he would forsake his claim to the throne. She knew that this couldn't be a viable option either.

Despite his foolishness, and the fact that he'd once again had chosen duty to his family over her, she was still deeply in love with him. She couldn't send him back to the place that he had been betrayed and killed at.
She did not know how to tackle this problem. She has been put into a very difficult position. She has worked so hard for the throne and she would not give it up for him, no matter what. But she also would not wage war over the throne with him.
It was impossible for her to come up with a solution that would work.

She had Missandei come to her chambers to help her get ready her for the day.
The Second Sons had arrived and she would need to welcome them. 


He was ecstatic that he would once again be in the presence and company of the beautiful queen. They had been apart for far to long, since she had chosen to leave him in Meereen.

He knew that her desire to reclaim her birth right had overpowered any feelings she had for him. But now he was here in Westeros, and he hoped that he could prove to her that it would be beneficial to her to keep him by her side.

He had heard that she was still unmarried, so much for her saying that she'd need to make marriage alliances. But this was better for him, at least without a husband in his way, he had a chance of winning the conquest that was Daenerys Targaryen.

He would bathe and ready himself for tonight, as tonight he would reclaim her.


He was still hurt about the fact that the queen would never love him back in the way that he had loved her.
How was a married bastard more deserving of her love than he was.

He knew that something was going on between Daenerys and Jon Snow.

After the council meeting yesterday, he had decided to seek out the queen, and make things right between the two of them.
They hadn't spoken properly since the kiss and he wanted to apologize.
He was making his way back to the chamber with the painted table. And was shocked to hear loud moans echoing in the corridor.
He could make out that the queen was moaning out Jons name. How badly he wished that she would one day moan out his name that way. He would be the best lover to her.
First she had chosen a sellsword over him and now a bastard. It angered him greatly.
How could the queen fuck a married man. Surely she knew that this could cause many problems. The Lords and Ladies would think of her to be a whore if word got out.

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