Chapter 4

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This is going to be a longer chapter. Hope you enjoy.

(Kings landing)

We all sat waiting in the Dragon pit for Cersei to arrive. Hopefully the wight would be enough proof for Cersei that the army of the dead existed and that we all needed to face them together despite our differences.

Cersei arrived soon enough, with the kingslayer, her hand and some guards. She looked different compare to the last time he saw her back in Winterfell. It seemed like a life time ago.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when Cersei asked where the Dragonspawn was. He clenched his fists. How dare Cersei disrespect his Dany like that.
Soon a dark shadow casts over the dragon pit. Drogon landed and Daenerys dismounted Drogon and sat in the seat that was next to him. She looked at him with those violet orbs and gave a slight smile to him. This was the first time he was seeing her after their kiss the other night. He had been resting in his chambers the pass few days, trying to heal from his injuries and she never came by. She probably had many matters to attend to however he missed her dearly.
He made his way to the centre of the Dragonpit and addressed everyone and demonstrated how to kill the wight. Cersei and her council looked at him with disbelief.
"I will send the Lannister troops to fight this army of the dead, and in return the King in the North will stay in the North and he will not take up arms against the Lannister troops and he will not choose sides", said Cersei.
Daenerys questioned,"Just the king in the North, not me?".
Cersei snickered," I would never ask it if you, and if you agreed I would trust you less than I already do," she faces Jon," I ask it only if Ned Starks son, I know Ned Starks son will be true to his word".
Jon was shocked at what Cersei had asked, he looked around for a minute lost in thought. "I am true to my word, or at least I try to be, which is why I cannot give you what you ask, for I cannot serve two queens and I have already pledged myself to Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen".
Cersei looks enraged at what he has said and replies,"Well then there is nothing left to discuss. The dead will come to the North first enjoy dealing with them, and then we'll deal with what's left of you".
Cersei and her whole entourage leave.
He knows he screwed up but what could he have done. He is a man of his word and he will not be one to make false promises.
Daenerys slowly approaches him," I am greatly for your loyalty but I wish you hadn't done it. I sacrificed Viserion, my child for this and it will now all have been for nothing, my dragons are the only children I'll ever know Jon". He can see the sadness and rage in her eyes, he steps forward to put a lock of her behind her ears but before he does Tyrion speaks up and says that he has to try to convince his sister to join their cause.

(On the ship)

Tyrion had managed to change Cersei's mind and she had agreed to sent the Lannister troops to Winterfell.
She had decided that sailing with Jon to Winterfell would be the best choice since it would give her some time to spend more time with him and also they will look United in the faces of the Northerners.
To be honest, she was nervous to meet the northerners and she hoped they would come to except her and see her as a Queen willing to help and not the mad kings daughter. She was also nervous to meet Jons family as he had started to mean a great deal to her and she hoped they would like her.
She thought of Jon and how he had caught her by surprise when he kissed her all those days ago. It was so passionate and intense and she felt as if she did not know how she had been living without those kisses all this time.
She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard two knocks on the door.
She opened the door and there stood Jon.
He looked as comely as ever however he had a look of great desire in his eyes. As soon as the door closed. Without so much as a sound of warning his lips crashed on hers with a possessive force. They explored each others mouths and bodies for what seemed like a life time and then he pushed her towards the bed. His hands ran down her body and she couldn't help but moan in appreciation. He bit her lips playfully to force her to open them, letting his tongue slip into her mouth, sparring with hers and taking her breath away. Soon they were both completely naked. Jon looked deeply into her eyes as he took her.
He had made love to her that night.
She was now laying on his side as he was deep in slumber and she for the first time in a long time had felt at home and at peace. Jon Snow was the man who made her truly feel like a dragon and he brought out her fire.

They were now on horseback making their way to Winterfell. He had felt oddly at ease despite winter being here and the dead coming. This had every reason to do with the magnificent woman that was Daenerys.
They had spent every night on the ship together making love and getting to know each other better. He truly felt as if she was his soulmate. He never believed in the ideology of a soulmate and thought it was a stupid thing young girls believed in, but now that he's met her and made her his no one could make him doubt that this woman was his soulmate.
He knew that one of the first things he would have to do was break things of with Ygritte. Hopefully she wouldn't decide to kill him and be accepting of his new found love. He did love Ygritte to an extent but he's never felt this insane pull to her as he did with Daenerys. He had told Daenerys of his relationship with Ygritte on the ship. She was upset at first that he had been unfaithful to his lover back at Winterfell. She felt truly bad for Ygritte, however just like him she couldn't deny that they were meant for each other.
He glanced over to her, she was wearing a white fur coat and looked as gorgeous as ever. Her hair shined and her eyes sparkled. She was truly a sight to behold.
"Don't worry love, the North will come to see you for the amazing woman that you are".
She smiled slightly and nodded at him.
He truly hoped the North would accept her. She was his queen and he would follow her no matter what.

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