Chapter 3

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She felt very uneasy about Ser Jorah and Jons expedition to capture a wight. Oh Jon, she had grown quite fond of the handsomely broody man. He stirred up feelings in her that she wasn't quite ready to accept. Now and then they'd unknowingly touch hands or he'd put a lock of hair behind her ear, and every time something like that occurred she swears she felt a fire burning within her. She never understood why this man could make her feel that way.

A few days later she received a raven. The men who had gone on this expedition needed her help. They were ambushed by wights. Seven hells, what if something were to happen to Jon or Jorah.
Tyrion insisted she leave them be but she couldn't sit back and have them die so she went to save them.

(Beyond the wall)

His men and him were surrounded by wights. They fought hard but he knew that eventually the wights would overpower them. Suddenly he heard the loud, fearsome roars of dragons and he knew Daenerys had come to save them. She burnt many wights and then landed Drogon down, all the men got on the dragon while he was still fighting in order to allow them to get on. He saw the Night King throw a spear at one of her Dragons and with a loud growl, the dragon can crashing down. He was heartbroken for her, he then saw the night king getting ready to throw another spear and he knew that Daenerys had to leave now or they'd all be dead.
"GO GO GO", he yelled. Then before he could even realize what was happening he was pushed into the water by a group of wights. He was drowning and then nothing. It all went black.

He doesn't know how long it had been but the next time he woke up he was in a warm bed and as his vision became clear he saw the most beautiful violet eyes looking at him.
"I'm so sorry Dany, If I could take it back I would", he said.
"No, I'm glad you went at least now I've seen the real threat we face. I will fight for you Jon, I will help you defeat this Night King and his army with Fire and Blood", she replied, with a sad look in her eyes. He swears it looked like she had been crying, he knows how heartbroken she must be over Viserion dying.
"Thank you Dany",he held her hand gently," With your help we actually have a chance against him".
"Dany ?, the last person who called me that was my brother it seems. Not the kind of company you'd be interested in keeping", she replied.
"So how about my queen, I would bend the knee but it seems I'm unable to do so right now ?" he said, trying to sit a bit more up.
She looked at him for a second, trying to comprehend what he had just done.
"What about your people ?, you said they'd never except a Southern ruler", she replied.
"They'll come to see you for the woman that you are, you will be a good queen for all of us. I don't know if I've ever said this before but you are a remarkable person," he said.
She bore her eyes into his and it felt as if his whole world had stopped, he gently sat up completely, he placed his hands on her rosy cheeks, leaned forward and kissed her softly. He feared that she might reject him but she kissed him back with the same intensity. His determined mouth was parting her shaking lips, they battled for dominance but he gave in, overtaken by the intense sensation of kissing her. After a while they stopped kissing, she got up and said with a slight look of disbelief on her face,"You should get some rest Jon", and then she left.

He was left alone in his chamber with his thoughts. For the first time in what felt like forever did he feel alive. He peacefully drifted into slumber.

Thank you for reading. Please like this story and comment what you think about it. I would really like to know what you think. I will be updating as often as possible and will not abandon this story.

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