Chapter 31

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18 Years Later

Daenerys had bore Jon 5 healthy children.
The first child had been a boy and they named him Daeron, their heir. He favored his mother in looks, Targaryen Silver hair and violet eyes. He had grown into a strong willed and kind hearted man. He was muscular and tall at the age of 18. He enjoyed singing and practice sword fighting. He was very skilled at archery.

The second child had been another boy, born 2 years after Daeron. They named him Aemon, after their great uncle, that Jon had greatly admired. He had silver hair like his mother, but his eyes were dark grey just as his fathers. He was outgoing and adventurous. He was excellent at horse riding. He trained with the Dothraki and was able to fight just as well as them on horseback.

Three years after the birth of Aemon, Jon and Daenerys had been blessed with twin daughters. They named them Lyanna and Rhaella after their mothers. Both girls favored Jons coloring. Lyanna was quiet and shy. She spent much of her time in the gardens. Rhaella on the other hand was much more outgoing and she loved to be around others. The sisters were very close.

Their last child had been born 5 years after the twins. Jon had almost lost Daenerys that night when the little princess was brought into this world. The couple then decided that Rhaenyra would be their last child. Daenerys used moon tea to prevent herself from getting pregnant. Rhaenyra was their little angel. She looked so much like her mother.

Ygritte had bore Jon a son. He had Jons dark hair and dark eyes. He was named Robb, which had been suggested by Sansa. and Ygritte had grown very close. Both of them bonding over their mutual hatred of their queen. Robb had not met his father in his 18 years of life. He was given the surname Stark and was fostered in Winterfell.


Jon and Daenerys had taken everything from her. She deserved to be the queen of the North after all suffering she had been through. They deserved to have everything taken away from them. Soon she would bring their downfall.

All these years they had thought that she has been a faithful supported of their reign however she had been secretly getting supporters for Robb. He should be the rightful heir as he was Jons eldest son.
She had secretly brokered a betrothal between Robb and Princess Elia of Dorne.
Dorne was all to happy to agree to this arrangement as they despised Jon being king. Robb would defeat his father and then would become the King of 6 kingdoms. While the North would become independent under her rule.

She and Ygritte had poisoned Robb's mind against his father and more importantly Daenerys. He hated them with a passion.
His father had reached out to him so many times over the years but he had never responded. Ygritte had made it clear to Jon that she and her son wanted nothing to do with him and that he should stay away from them.

They had many allies. Jamie Lannister was keen to join their rebellion, out of hatred for Jon and Daenerys not allowing Cersei to live as well as not allowing his daughter to be Wardeness of the West. She had also married Robin and thus gained the support of the Vale. As well as the support of rich Slave Masters that Daenerys had made enemies of in Essos.

Over the past few months their troops had been marching to Kings Landing. They had been very particular with the route which they travelled being sure to remain unnoticed by anyone who might send word to Jon and Daenerys.

Robb had sent out ravens recently informing all the Lords and Ladies that he should be the heir and the one to sit in the throne. That they should join his cause.


He was awoken by his beautiful wife placing soft kisses all over his face. It had been 18 years since they got married and he still felt like the luckiest fool. Daenerys and him had blessed him with the most amazing children. He content with his life.

"Good Morning" she says sweetly and kisses him passionately.

"Aye, it really is. Every day is a good day as long as I get to see my beautiful wife and children" he replies.

"They are probably already up, breaking their fast. We should go and join them" she says.

"Or we could stay here and make love all day" he suggest with a wink.

"As tempting as that sounds, we have to attend to meetings and hearings today" she replies.

"Or we could let Daeron attend to them. He's so good at listening to the small folk and helping them out. We've raised him so well, Dany" he says.

"No doubt, he'll make one of the greatest kings and..." she says but does not get to complete herself as a knock comes on the door.

"Daenerys, it's me" comes Missandeis voice.

"Come in" calls out Daenerys.

Missandei and Grey Worm enter the chambers.

"This letter had been sent all around the kingdom and has been brought to our attention" says Missandei as she passes it to him.

Dear people of the Seven Kingdoms. I am Robb Stark. I am the first born son of Jon Snow also known as Aegon Targaryen.
I am the rightful heir of the kingdoms, and I will take the throne.

My father was bewitched by his Aunt, Daenerys Targaryen. This led him to abandon my mother and I, and go on marrying and impregnating his aunt.

The Targaryen Dynasty needs to be killed off. They will bring nothing but destruction and hardships to us. The madness flows in their genes. Soon a time will come when they will burn all of us with their dragons for their own amusement.

Stand with me and let's free the world of these abominations born of incest.

Yours truly
Robb Stark

He could not believe what he was reading. This was no doubt words straight from his bitch of a cousin Sansa. She had turned his own son against him and filled his head with lies.

"Missandei leave us please" comes Danys voice.

Missandei and Grey worm then leave.


She takes his hands into hers and says "What are you thinking, my love"

"My own son, wants us dead. What have they turned him into Dany. This is all my fault for not trying harder to be in his life" he replies sadly.

"They have poisoned him against you. You did try Jon. They never wanted you to be apart of his life. At that time it seemed like the best thing for both sides" she replies.

"I'm going to have to fight against my own blood. Daeron is going to have to fight against his own brother" he breaks down.

She immediately embraces him tightly and says "I know you don't want to do this, but what choice do we have. They want us dead. We will try to speak to him, but if he raises up arms against us we have no choice but to treat him like an enemy. We bring fire and blood to our enemies"

Jon opted to stay in their chambers and calm himself down while she went to discuss the matter with their council.

"Mother, what has happened" asks Daeron.

"Your brother has declared war on us" she replies.

Authors Note:
This is the final chapter of the story unless you guys want more. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.
I have really enjoyed writing this story for you. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.

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