Chapter 20

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A/N: Hello everyone ❣️ Thanks for reading and supporting this story.
In this chapter its the day before the soldiers are going to travel to kings landing.


She was stood on her chamber balcony watching the sunrise and looking out at the sea. It brought her much peace, the sunrise illuminated the blue as if it were igniting the most perfect flame.
Jon was still asleep in bed.
She had woken up earlier than usual. She felt very nauseous. Maybe she's been feeling unwell of recently due to her nerves about the battle to come.
She has wanted to reclaim what was hers for so long and it was finally coming into play.

Jon had been slightly distant and broodier. She could not blame him. She knew how much it broke his heart that he'd be separated from his child. It was her fault. She would never get to experience being a mother to human babe and now he too would not get to experience being a father.
She understood why Ygritte would feel this angry to separate Jon and his child.
They had done a terrible, terrible thing, neither of them could stop it, too blinded by their love and desire to be with each other.

She felt two warm hands around her waist and soft kisses on her neck. She turned around to face her love.
She placed a kiss on his lips and embraced him tightly. Tomorrow he'd be leaving and she wouldn't be with him for days. She'd miss him terribly.

"Why are you up so early" he asks groggily.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm a little nervous. I've wanted to reclaim the throne for so long and now it's finally happening" she replies softly.

"Aye, it is. The seven kingdoms could not ask for a better ruler" he says and gives her a light kiss on her lips.

"I have to burn Varys today" she says sadly.
She continues "He is a traitor, I know it has to be done".

"Aye , if he's given the chance, he would probably try to have you killed. He moves from monarch to monarch. He can never be trusted" he replies.

"Doesn't make it any easier though" she replies sadly.

"Come back to bed, My dragon" he urges. He takes her hands and leads her back to bed.

Once they are both settled on the bed, he wraps his arms around her and brings her to sleep on his chest.

"I love you" he tells her and places a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you too, Jon" she replies with a small smile on her lips.


Tomorrow he'd be making his way to Kings Landing. He would soon see Cersei again. No doubt she'd be furious at him. He left her and their unborn babe. But he had to fight for the living. He was angry at her as well. She had made a promise, but turns out she was just lying. She did not care about anyone else but herself. He could see that now. More clearly than anything else.

He knew that after losing all her children she had become immensely cruel and cold.
She didn't care about the people of the seven kingdoms.

The Dragon Queen would be a much better ruler. He could see that she cared about the people. She could have acted as selfishly as Cersei and let the North fight their own battle with the dead but she did not. She helped them despite it costing her greatly.

Despite, Cersei's turn to evil. He still loved her, he did not want her to die. But he had no way to save her. If he did cross the dragon queen, she would burn him.

He needed to act honorably. Brienne had seen the man behind the Kingslayer and he wanted to be that man. He knew of Briennes feelings for him. It had been pretty obvious to all. He too, had feelings for her. But she deserved much better than him.

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