Chapter 8

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I'm back with another chapter !
Please whoever's reading I urge you to give this chapter a vote to keep me motivated to write ☺️
Shoutout to APaula thank you for all the support you've shown this story. Your comments really warm my heart ❣️


She was utterly shocked when she found Jon standing in front of her chambers doors.
"Jon, what are you doing here ? Shouldn't you be consummating your marriage" she said with a sad smile.
He looked worn out and drained. He replied to her with a sad smile "No, I couldn't. I don't know if I ever will be able to. It just wouldn't feel right to me".
She raised her eyebrows at him and replied "I hope you're not here to ask your aunt for advice on your love life".
He looked at her and took a deep breath and continued, "No, I'm not here for that. I just thought we could talk. I don't want things to be awkward between us Dany. You are my family and I am yours. Things could go back to how it was, back in Dragonstone".
She knew that it would never really truly go back to how it was in Dragonstone between them. She was angry at him and the gods for the cruel joke they had played on her. She wanted to yell at him and give him a piece of her mind, but when she looked into those dark eyes, she couldn't deny him. "If that's what you want dear nephew". She made a point to keep reminding him of their relation. She wanted to see how he'd react to it. If he'd start to look at her with disgust, but that look never came.
"Could you tell me about my father" he asked with a soft voice.
"I'm afraid I don't know much. But from what I've been told he was kind and brave, a lot like you in that department. He also liked to sing. He would disguise himself and meet with the commoners and play his flute for them" she said kindly a smile on her lips.
She wasn't happy about the whole situation but she was grateful that she had a family member left.
"He sounds like a good man. I should try to play the flute, maybe I'll be good like him with it" he said with a chuckle.
She giggled, "I honestly can't imagine you playing a flute. But I would pay good coin to see it happen".
He smiled at her at took her hands in his impulsively and said "You are my queen, I'd do anything for you. Maybe tomorrow night I can come play the flute for you, if you'd like".
"I'd like that very much so. I've missed you Jon. The reception in the North has been overwhelmingly cold and it was worse without you by my side" she replied sadly.
"I've missed you to Dany, so much. You won't have to miss me anymore though, I won't leave you. Whenever you need me I'll be here. As for the Northmen, they will grow to see you for the kind and good woman that you are. I don't doubt that for a minute" he replied.
"Thank you for having so much faith in me Jon. Your sister doesn't like me much. She doesn't have to be my friend but I am her queen she needs to respect me. If she won't none of the other lords and ladies will" she responded.
She truly didn't know why the red haired Stark didn't like her. She had come to help the North fight their war but hadn't even received a thank you from the Lady of Winterfell.
Jon looked at her with so much affection in his deep, dark eyes and said "I will have a word with her. She's been through a lot. It's hard for her to trust others. I would like to introduce you to my other sister Arya sometime if you'd like. She'll probably pick at your brain with a ton of questions about dragons. She's always admired the Targaryen warrior princesses. And she'll be meeting one better, a Targaryen warrior Queen".
When he looked at her that way it made her skin tingle. She could she that Jon Snow admired her from the way he spoke about her. A smile grew on her face and she replied "I'd love to meet her, I suppose I can offer her a dragon ride if it's fine with you. Speaking of dragons, would you like to ride Rhaegal sometimes".
"I don't know how to ride a dragon Dany" he responded with a soft chuckle.
She giggled and said "No one does until they ride a dragon. You should try it Jon. It would be safer for Rhaegal if you rode him when we are to face the army of the dead".
"I think that would be a great idea. The long night is coming soon Dany. Maybe you shouldn't fight and remain with the woman and children. I need you to be safe Dany. Please consider it" he urged.
She replied hastily "No, that's not happening. What kind of a queen would I be if I didn't risk my life to fight for my people. If I had asked you to not fight you wouldn't. So don't ask me to".
He gently put a lock of her hair behind her ear. He then put both his rough hands on her cheek and looked deeply into her eyes.
She thought he would kiss her but he never did. He just starred at her for a while, as if he was trying to memorize every detail of her face.
He then said with a weak voice "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you Dany. Would you let me train you to fight with a sword, I'd feel better if I was certain you could protect yourself on the ground".
She took his cold hands into hers and intertwined their fingers. She always felt a spark when she touched him. "I wouldn't know what to do either if anything happened to you. You're the last family I have Jon. I just found you and I don't want to lose you. I'd like for you teach me Jon. I've been told you are the best swordsmen in all seven kingdoms" she said with a slight smile.
"You won't ever lose me my queen. Aye, then I will. I might be, but there are plenty of other great swordsmen" he replied.
She liked that he was always so humble, other men she had known like Drogo and Daario and , had always had a big ego.
"Jon, are you going to tell anyone about your parentage ? The moment the news gets out, others that will prefer a man on the throne will try to have me killed. I will be undermined at every point as long as there is a male Targaryen to take my place" she asked him.
She knew it had been selfish to want him to keep his parentage a secret but she knew it would only cause problems for her. If Jon were to have a son, people would push for Jon to take the crown and to name his son his heir. She had worked to hard to take back the iron throne, and to restore the Targaryen rule, she didn't want Jon to take it away from her. Despite her feelings for him, she would not give him what she had worked for, for years.
"I need to tell my family Dany. But I'll have them swear to never tell a soul. I don't want the throne Dany. I won't put you in danger. The throne is yours. You deserve it. You'll be the best ruler the seven kingdoms has ever had" he answers.
She knows it won't be a good idea for him to tell his sisters. She replies softly "Sansa will try to have you take the throne Jon. You know she despises me. She wants the north to be independent and she knows if you're King that you'll grant the North it's independence".
"No, I won't let her. The throne is yours and. I won't let anyone take it from you. The North will be lucky to have you as a Queen" he replies. He looks very tired.
"You should probably retire to your chambers Jon, your wife will be waiting" she says.
These past few hours with Jon had been wonderful but she couldn't forget that he had a pregnant wife waiting for him in his chambers. He was not hers and he wouldn't ever be. She'd let herself enjoy their friendship however. She needed to be close to her last living family member.
"Can I spend the night here Dany ? If it's alright with you. I sleep much better when I'm in your presence and I haven't had a proper rest in days" he asks sincerely.
She knew it wasn't a good idea to have her ex lover sleep in the same bed as her however the words no didn't come out of her mouth. She just nodded at him. She went to lay on the bed. She looked across the room and saw him taking of his furs and boots and he then joined her on the bed.
She was surprised at his next action. He leaned forward a gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. That kiss was enough to have her whole body feel a strong sensation of desire.
He said in a soft voice, "Goodnight Dany".
Then he was off to sleep and she was left alone with her thoughts.

This was a Jonerys filled chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

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