Chapter 12 - The Long Night

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All the people unable to fight had made their way to Winterfells dark and dreary crypts.
He wanted to be out there fighting and making a difference, but due to his queens insistence that she needs her hand safe and sound, he had no choice but to remain in the crypts.
He would just sip on his wine until either the battle was won or they were all turned into wights.
"At least we're already in a crypt" Varys said, trying to lighten the mood.
He chuckled. Nothing would lighten the mood as the long night had come.
He settles to sit next to Lady Sansa, his ex wife.
"Maybe we should've stayed married" he jests.
"You were the best off them" she replies kindly. He couldn't imagine what horrors she had been through since they had parted. He felt sympathy for the Stark woman.
"It wouldn't work between us" she says starring at him.
"Why not" he asks.
"The Dragon Queen. Your divided loyalties would be a problem" she says with hint of jealously and annoyance in her tone.
Before he can respond Missandei chirps in "Yes, without the dragon queen, they'd be no problems, we'd all be already dead".
She then moves as far as possible from Lady Sansa.
He fails to understand why Lady Sansa had been so ungrateful towards Queen Daenerys. She had come to help the North fight their war with the dead much to her own expense but despite this none of them treated her with respect and gratitude except Jon Snow.


He stood in front of the Dothraki army, ready to lead them through the battle. His Khaleesi had granted him this honour.
He prayed for her safety. There was no person in the world that he loved more than her and he hoped that eventually she would be able to reciprocate his feelings.
"Greetings Ser Jorah Mormont" came the voice of a strange woman.
"I am Melisandre, a servant of the Lord of Light" she said.
She was a beautiful woman, with long red hair, she also wore a red hood.
"What is your business here my Lady" he asks politely.
"I am here to assist with the Great War" she says and makes her way towards the Dothraki riders.
She chants some strange words and the mens arakhs come alight on the top.
She then makes her way towards the gates.
"Open the gates, open the gates" he hears a man yell out.
And then she enters and he loses sight of her.
He then turns his attention back front and waits for any sign of the army of the dead.


He immediately scowls and reaches for the hilt of his sword when he sees Lady Melisandre approaching him.
"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you where you stand" he says.
She looks at him and is lost in thought for a moment and then replies "Each corpse is another servant of the Dead".
He glares at her and replies "Shireen is no longer amongst the living because of you and your Lord of light".
The red priestess then replies "I apologize for that Ser Davos, but it is what the Lord of Light willed. There is no need to execute me, I will be dead before dawn".
She then walks away.
He would have loved to execute that evil woman, however they had bigger problems, and she could prove to be useful.


He stood in front of the Knights of the Vale, Brienne was stood to his right.
There was quiet surrounding them. Everyone was anticipating the arrival of the army of the dead.
He felt nervous, he knew that they had a good strategy however the Night King had a dragon, and he would prove to be difficult to defeat.
He feared for all of their lives. They would have had a better chance of winning the battle if his devious sister had sent the Lannister troops as she promised.
He prayed that Brienne, the newly anointed Knight would be safe. If anything were to happen to her, he'd be heartbroken.
She had been a good friend to him, she made him believe in himself, and lead him on a better path. A path of good and honor that he had long ago strayed from.

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