2. Pressured

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Lily's POV

And just as I thought maybe we'd get to have some time to talk and make most of prom. The car pulls to a stop and before I can even question 'Why?', half of a dozen of Dan's football buddies cram themselves into, what I thought, was supposed to be OUR ride. My body is overcome with anger.

I honestly can't believe how selfish he is being! He knew I have been looking forward to this night for a long time... and now that the event's here he just decides to ruin everything by putting his friends over me, yet again.

I pick my phone out my bag and let Hannah, Sarah & Madeline know that I'm on my way. I'm hoping this car journey will be over very soon, because If I have to be trapped with a bunch of loud and obnoxious footballers and a selfish, stuck up ass of a boyfriend for more than 5 minutes...There will be a murder.

We eventually pull to a halt, I quickly open the door and jump out the car. I'm too angry to fight with Daniel, and by fight I mean ask him what he was playing at and then for him to turn around and manipulate the whole situation and turn it into an argument, because that is what he's best at! All I want right now is to be with the people that make me feel happy, my friends.

As I get inside, I notice how amazing Maddy's work has been. She's always been the creative one- one of the many qualities that I love about her.

The stale and dull cafeteria had been transformed into a picture perfect prom setting. Beautiful pastel pink lighting with faux white chandeliers dangling from the ceiling. Silver and glitter center pieces, it's all so extravagant.

'She done amazing, didn't she', Hannah whispers from behind me & i twirl around on my heels and my eyes are amazed.
'Oh my goodness, you look amazing Hannah!', I squeal maybe a little too loud.

Her short blonde hair is pinned back and her bright blue eyes twinkle in the soft light. The dress is a baby blue colour, co-ordinated with Ben's blue tux.

I envied her relationship, Ben's so sweet and would do anything for Hannah. I mean, Ben was probably one of the nicest guys on the football team, I just wondered why Daniel couldn't be both attractive and nice...

'Don't be silly Lily. I mean look at you, you're absolutely glowing! Ah my heart', she gasps.

'You're making me blush Hannah banana', i fan myself dramatically.

'Hey, so did Daniel turn up? I seen him a few seconds ago with some of his buddies. What's that all about?', she leans against a nearby table; completely ignoring that fact her pinky is now sicking into some salsa.

'Oh yeah, he turned up in a limo. I thought it was going to be fine up until all of his bum chums piled into the car and he ignored me the rest of the journey', i look over at the side of my eye and see him laughing obnoxiously with his friend Dimitris.

'I seriously have so much hate red for that guy, i just don't like the vibes i get from him L. Are you going to be alright? You want to come with me and Ben?', I see Ben behind her sipping on some punch awkwardly awaiting Hannah to come back over to him.

I shake my head with a smile, 'Go enjoy yourself Hannah. I'll figure things out with Daniel. I can't keep doing this with him. I'll speak to you later though. Have fun!', i exclaim and pat her on the bum.

She sends her love and then departs, linking into her seemingly perfect beau.

I linger about the punch stand for a second before a familiar voice sends shivers up my spine.

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