8. Cliche Bad Boy

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Lily's POV

I wake up, and everything is a blur. My head pounds achingly and feels as if my brain is bashing against each side of my head over and over. I raise myself off my pillows and my vision rushes back followed by last nights events. I smile lowly to myself.

My mind reverts back to last night. Jason's lips pressed against mine. How i can almost feel the butterflies still in my stomach...

I look to my right expecting to see a hot-mess Jason slouched on my couch. But instead there's no Jason in sight. The sheets are folded neat and correct at the bottom, a thin piece of paper folded on top.

The disappointment floods in, however I manage to lift myself off the bed and shuffle towards the couch. I read the note which bluntly reads;

'Lily, thanks for letting me stay.



Unbelievable. I feel my heart sink a little bit which is weird.

Enraged, I rush into my bathroom to get ready for school.


I waltz into school, a messy bun plopped on the top of my head. I'm still agitated.

I fumble with the keys in my bag and open my locker to collect my biology homework. I slam it back afterwards.

I get a text from the group chat about how their skipping school today but I let them know I am just going to go to school. But I guess I just want to have a low key day, I'm really not in the mood for being questioned.

I arrive at biology and realise that Jason's in my class. But I can't be bothered worrying about anything right now. Although I could gladly run in and smack him across his beautifully structured and- oh my god what am I doing.

I shake my head and jog into my class before I get scolded at by Mr McArthur.

'So you decided to show up today, Lily?', A smug Mr McArthur asks.

"Considering the bell hasn't went yet, there's no need for a dig", I roll my eyes and walk over to my bench.

Jason is sitting at the back with his drug induced friend, Alex. His head is being propped up by his left hand and the other is scribbling something down into his notebook.

I keep my eyes focused elsewhere and sit myself down beside my lab partner, Zoe.

She doesn't speak much which would usually put me off but for once I'm glad I can get through today peacefully without any interaction.

"Right, so today we are going to start a new project...", Mr McArthut starts to blabber on but I zone out until I hear him snap my name.

"Lily. Did you hear anything I said?", My cheeks burn red with embarrassment. And I find myself stuttering and speaking an unknown language. I hear an immature cackle come from behind me - Jason.

The teacher rolls his eyes and continues, "As I was saying, I will be putting you into partners. And don't bother begging me to let you choose because last time that didn't work. Did it Alex?", Of course Alex was too busy staring into thin air. Well I mean, he is always stoned, so you kind of expect these things and get used to them.

"Okay so let's start...Zoe & Bobby, Elise & Tracey...", He begins.

"Alex & Lily", oh are you serious.

I look round and see Jason shaking his hair which only makes him even more hotter if that's even possible. But I'm determined to not work with him, "Nope, definitely not, come on look at him, he shouldn't even be permitted to be in school,".

"Would you rather work with Jason, is that what this is all about?", the teacher squints his eyes and puts his hands on his hip.

"Actually no, anybody bar him".

"Not what you were saying last night", mumbles Jason.

"Stop making it sound like we slept together or something", i can feel my blood boil.

"Lily, although you may be permitted to shout like that outside of school or wherever. I do not appreciate it happening in my classroom, thank you very much!", interrupts the teacher. My face just stands in awe, that teacher seriously hates me!

I slap my hands by my thighs and stroll to the back of the class to Jason and Alex's bench where I'll have to spend the remainder of this term.

"Why are you in such a bad mood", Jason has the audacity to ask.

"You kissed me last night and then left", I snap.

"What are you talking about?", he narrows his eyes and gives me full eye contact making me feel uneasy.

"Yeah, well I should've known, once an a ass - always an ass!", It's true.

I nearly forgot all the torment he'd caused me for so long just for a petty kiss. Okay yeah he fought my creepy boyfriend and I'm grateful but I'm pretty sure Jason just enjoys fighting people for the sake of it anyway.

I am sick with being messed about...

"Lily", he lowers his voice to a small whisper. "We never kissed. You were fast asleep, and i'm on a technicality right now so I had to leave to be here on time".

I feel my throats almost close up, i'm such an embarrassment!

I let my face slip into my hands and hide my face from the utter humiliation i feel like now. Did i seriously dream about kissing Jason and then storm into school like a mad woman to accuse him of doing something he never even done?

I lift my head up to see Jason looking at me with a slightly amused face, Alex is now sleeping so at least he won't remember this humiliation.

"I am so sorry, i don't know where that came from", i stutter.

"It's fine. Don't stress. Anyways, i better go join my lovely lab partner Miss Happy Matilda, i'll catch you later?", he stands up and pings Alex's head on the way out.



Hope you guys are liking the story so far :)


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