15. Bang Bang

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Lily's POV

I feel Jason's breath upon my forehead, my head cosily tucked into his neck. We are still just looking into the distance in silence, which is no longer awkward. I am used to Jason being ignorant and silent, but I feel comfortable with it. His arm is hooked onto my waist, pulling me in tighter. 

From a distance I can hear something that sounds like gravel being crunched like crazy. Jason snaps his head up, returning to reality. I react similarly, turning my head around to see what the noise is. 

Jason releases his grip from me. He looks alarmed.

'Lily, get your bag', he says not moving his eyes away from the long winding road, which I doubt a lot of people would be at.

'Whats wrong?', I asked with confusion and feeling slightly scared.

'NOW!', he scolds.

I waste no time questioning him, I climb back through the jagged jungle like garden and retrace my steps into the house. I hear a noise growing louder, but it isn't just gravel crunching, it sounds like a car. 

My heart fluctuates, I speed myself up as I walk up the stairs and run into the room where I had spent the night sleeping in utter discomfort.

My eyes examine the room, I grab my large backpack and my hoodie.

'LILY!', I hear Jason scream following loud obnoxious sounds, I think that's -

'They're shooting! Lily get your ass here NOW!', he shouts. His voice entwined with anger and panic.

I sling the bag over my shoulders and run down the stairs, Jason is by the door his hand already extended outward for me to grab.

'What the hell took you so long?!', He grabs a hold of my arm in urgency.

'Sorry, what the hell is going on. I crapped myself as soon as I heard gunshots', I say following his lead outside.


'They're here. The ones that took me. They caught up with us, I really don't know how the hell but they were shooting at me so we have to go, NOW. Get to the car', he says as he gently shoves me, guiding me where to go.

My eye catches sight of three guys ascending from their car, inching closer towards us. One has a pair of dark sun glasses on shading his cowardice eyes. Another looks as if he has a prosthetic eye as it looks in the complete opposite direction as the other, like a severe squint. The other has a black fabric covering the majority of his just revealing his eyes.

They all have dark clothes, and each a huge gun in their grasps. I look over to see an anxious Jason, gulping, he looks back at me.

'We can get to the front of the house, but only one at a time, if we both go, that means more noise and more chance of getting shot', he whispers - accentuating his heavy breathing. 'You will go first, If I am not there in five minutes, I am dead okay? Do not wait for me - go!'.

'But, I dont want to leave you here', I say full of worry.

I can't risk him getting hurt or kidnapped, again. I wont survive on my own.

'Don't worry about me okay? Your life is more important, not many people would be bothered about me going', he says biting his cheek and preparing the car key.

The guys are still peering around the place, one is just shooting frantically for no reason.

'I would care', I say, I would though. Anyone dying would matter to me. 

'No time, go', he says hiding a slight smile that was about to creep upon his face.

He shoos me quietly and I crawl my way to the front of the building where the car is, I see the backs of the guys as they make their way to the back of the building.

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