10. Gone

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Lily's POV

I wake up flustered, a bead of sweat rolls down my face as I shake myself to reality. When my vision returns from the early morning blur, it's like déjà vu, Jason is no longer in my room. But, instead of dwelling on it I get up and get ready for the day ahead. On that note, I peel off my clothes and chuck them into the laundry basket and replace them with a baggy jumper and leggings. I plop a top knot on my head again and shuffle into my cosy socks. No plans once again.

After applying some face cream and freshening myself up, I walk out my door and continue down the stairs.

"Mom?", I shout. She's not at work today so she's either (surprisingly) sleeping in or is just being super quiet.

I shout again, repeating myself. Still no reply. With a sigh, I stumble into the kitchen. I skip over to the kitchen cupboard where I pull out a box of Cheerios and a bowl. I turn around on my heel and -

Third Person POV

Lily's eyes turn dead, her eyes are focused on the image before her. She's pale as a ghost, and she releases the contents in her hands. The bowl smashes to the ground, leaving large shards of porcelain scattered on the tiles. She drops down beside the lifeless body of her mother, drowning in blood. A knife perched peacefully next to her head. Tears slide down Lily's face uncontrollably, sliding into a puddle on the kitchen floor. Silent screams pour from her mouth, she struggles for her breath as she stands up and rushes to the home phone. She picks it up and dials furiously, trying to somewhat conceal her sobs and heavy breathing.

Lily's POV

I sit in my house, lonely. Police officers come and go, they question me about who was in the house at the time. Jason, was my response. They told me that they'd speak to him and let me know as soon as possible. But how could he do such a thing? When things were bad at home for him, my mother was always there for him...No, he couldn't be capable of something so monstrous. I told my friends, and they came up to see me. But I urged them to go home after a while. I just can't cope being with people at this moment, I just want to stay at home, drown in my tears. Sleep and never awake. My mind is whirling and spinning, like I am dead too. I feel myself fading. I dont even know how to feel, I am just numb.

I smack myself in the head. Why would I speak to her like that?! I was too busy in a huff with Jason. Those were the last things I said to her. That and the whole lie about the dog scaring me.

It pained me so much, everything was a stabbing sensation. My heart ached uncontrollably. I want her back. I want to thank her for doing everything for me my whole life. For being there. And now she's gone. A just like that.

I want...No, NEED to know who done this.

--- Days Later ----

A knock is placed on my door, I flip over and check the time 11.09pm.
I remove myself from the sofa, where I've been bawling my eyes out the whole day, again, and open the door. Two policemen fully suited are stood in front of me.

"Good evening Lily. Sorry to disturb you at this time", the bald policeman says.

"Not really disturbing anything, apart from unctrolable crying. Have you got any news?", I ask desperately.

The second policeman, the one with the squint and head full of hair looks at the bald one.

"Lily, earlier we received some very important evidence for this case. I'm so sorry to tell you this but Jason Valentine's fingerprints were traced on the knife. So after this was confirmed, we went to the Valentine's household and discovered that Jason is not there. His father thought that we were there returning his son, as he was reported missing not long after we were here", my heart stops.

Third Person POV

Lily screams, a deadly mixture of anger and sadness pours from her mouth. Her hand covers her mouth but the sounds still exit. Tears brimming in her eyes once again, the policeman - Gary, the one with hair - puts his hand on Lily's shoulder comfortingly attempting to soothe her at this moment but she doesn't stop. "Why!? I don't understand", she manages to scream but her tears catch up to her and she starts choking on her breathe unable to comprehend what news she has received. "I am so sorry Lily. Trust me, we will be doing everything is our power to find Jason. Justice will be served", The policemen - the bald one, Jeremy - rubs Lily's back doing his part of comforting.

Lily finally catches her breathe and thanks the officers for their information. She looks strong, but inside she's dying. She's dying not just because her mothers died. But because the person who killed her was her once best friend, Jason. the one she grew up with. The one who made her miserable in primary. But the one she grew to rekindle a weird sort of friendship recently. Why must he ruin her life so much? Why did he do it?




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