13. Crash and fall

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The car glides along the long windy roads, deep into the countryside, past the fields into an area of nothing. The car window is rolled down, Jason sits in a sharp silence, keeping his eyes glued to the road - drowning in his deep thoughts. He's till a mess, there are still patches of dried blood seeping into his clothes and body. Me, perched on his right, looking out into the black night sky, the cool zephyr meeting my face. I inhale the smoky country air, it lingers and passes through my nose, sending small sensations to my head. I close my eyes and bury myself in my worry-some thoughts and let the silence takeover me. I feel myself drifting away, as if I'm hovering above myself...Like I'm no longer in control of my own life. It's as if, the life I'm living isn't even mine. Like everything's stopped and I'm lost in this person's thoughts and body. I've fallen asleep and I jerk myself awake, Jason's eyes are slightly bloodshot, his bruises still purple and prickling through his tan skin. I return to my thoughts, which are abruptly interrupted by Jason's husky voice.

"Crap.", he smacks on the break violently. I feel myself hurl forward and slam back onto my seat.

"Ouch! Can't you be more careful?", I snap.

"I've been driving for hours, give me a damn break", he retorts aggressively.

He stops the engine, and takes the keys out. The car is at a halt, parked outside what seems to resemble an old factory or abandoned warehouse of some sort. I try to squint my eyes to see if I can make anything more of the silhouette building but the image is still being blanketed by the nights darkness. As we step out of the car, I slam the door behind and grab my bag from the boot. Jason follows and ensures the car is locked, but I mean who would be out in the middle of nowhere? Apart from two teenagers on the run from some psychotic murderer... I don't think so, but just to be safe I guess.

The cool air lingers above us as I follow Jason almost silently, trying to avoid making too much of a noise with the crunching of stones beneath my feet, in order to avoid irritating Jason. The entrance of the building is more prominent, a large oak door, with hardly any paint remaining. 'Est. 1798', the only thing it reads at the top of the door in bold black writing. The windows were boarded up in the cork board you're used to seeing in abandoned, run down places. It's huge, there was grand designs carefully carved into its exterior, it must've been extravagant before it was forgotten about, it made me sad that something with so much potential and character could just be forgotten about...Left to rot.

"The door is shut tight", Jason states.

"I think that was going to be quite obvious", I state bluntly.

He rolls his eyes and mutters something softly under his breathe and signals me to follow him around the back.

The ivy is splattered all over, swirling to a point all the way to the tip of the building. Shades of green and hints of red. It was in a peculiar way, beautiful.

Jason puts his arm to shield his face from the thorns and the overgrown bushes that seem to look quite sharp. I feel myself getting small pricks of pain up my leg and arm but I continue to follow Jason's lead. He trips on a wedged slate, and I smirk to myself finding it quite amusing. He clocks my smile and bites his cheek.

 "Right here", he scrunches his face up and cups his hand over his eyes and presses his face towards the dusty window, one which hasn't been boarded. 

He leaves me standing by the window and paces over beside the bushes again and returns with a brick.

 "Stand over there", he says pointing to the opposite side of the back door. 

I almost correct his manners and then realise the situation I'm in. I do as I'm told and wander over to where I was told to go in order to avoid the dangerous shards of glass. He swings his arm back and launches the stone at the window, causing it to make a loud smashing sound. He picks another stone up and continues to remove the potentially-lethal shards that remain fixated to the window structure. I hear him grunt and scowl to himself but he shakes it off and ushers me over to the window. 

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