9. Emotionally Hungover

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Lily POV

As soon as I get home, I hear my mother's voice call from the living room.

'Hey Lil, how was school?'.

'I dont want to talk about school', I snap.

'Hey, what's wrong?', my concerned mother slides out of the living room.

"Ugh, just the usual rubbish, i'm just really tired. Is it alright if i just head to bed?", the humiliation from earlier on is still ringing in my head and to be frank, i just want to sleep. I don't mean to be rude with her, but if i tell her about Daniel i think the situation would only become worse.

I dodge my mothers bombarding questions and head to straight to my room. I sling my bag at the other end of my room, then I slide my Elvis vinyl into my record player. I'm sure my mothers shout something to me, probably moaning at the volume, but I ignore her regardless.

After lolling on my bed in an awkward position for about an hour, I decide to watch a depressing movie after checking my social media.

I can't help but giggle as I see a photo of Mike & Sarah shoving their tongues down each other's throats. They're so back and forth with each other, it's surreal. Which reminds me that I haven't spoke to my friends In a couple of days plus I blew them off earlier.

I click on the group chat and miss out everything that happened last night with Jason after taking him home. The last thing i need is them thinking we hooked up, or worse explain to them the sheer spectacle i made of myself today.

I laugh it off regardless, 'I'm really sorry for blowing you guys off like that today. I was hella moody'. - send.

'Don't worry about it babes, we can all arrange for any time anyways, no biggy!' - Sarah.


After a few hours of web-surfing and listening to some music on my Spotify, I decide to go in the shower. I pick myself up off the bed and grab my 'shower' bag and start running the shower before peeling off my 'junkie' clothes that I wore to school.

I step into the shower, the moisture instantly making me feel better. I pick out my shower gel from my shower bag and begin lathering it into my skin. Next, I shampoo my hair thoroughly for what seems like an hour. I argue with myself about whether I should shave my legs or wait till I run myself a bath. But, then I realize I'd have wolf legs and that's not the exact look I aim for.

I turn off the running water and step out into the cool, fresh bathroom. Wrap myself in a luke warm towel and tie my hair up into a top-knot bun.

I begin to apply my moisturiser like I do every night and brush my teeth. I reach the mouthwash when I hear a clatter in my bedroom.

Curious, I stick my head out of the door. Rosie (my dog) Is mischievously wagging her tail and is stood next to a glass of water thats been knocked to the ground. Great, another one.

I roll my eyes and quickly finish my bathroom venture by gargling mouthwash and switching off the light.

'Boo', a deep voice calls behind me. I scream and secure my towel making sure it doesn't fall.

Jason is stood in front of me, messy blonde hair scruffed hair ruffled on the top of his head, a band tank top that I don't seem to recognised accentuating his muscles and bulging veins that trail down his arm.

'What are you doing here!?', I growl through gritted teeth.

But before Jason opens his mouth to reply, my mother calls up 'Honey, is everything alright up there?'.

'Uh, oh yeah. Rosie scared me thats all'.

Jason, bites his lip and continues 'Don't know, just felt like chilling out like the old days",he laughs.

"Jason, that isn't funny i'm not in the mood", i roll my eyes. To be honest, i'm still extremely embarrassed about earlier and i don't want to explain that I had an extremely realistic dream in which i ended up thinking we had a minute of passion. My cheeks flare red at the idea of it.

"Ah man, are you still embarrassed about earlier? That you got your fantasy mixed up with reality?", he teases me and throws himself back on the couch where he slept just a while ago.

My sheer embarrassment seems to turn to rage, "Shut the hell up Jason i'm not in the mood for you any longer!"

"Are you seriously getting this worked up? If you can't take a joke then i'm just leaving, so see ya", he spins around and makes his way back to where he came from.

'Fine then. Do what you are best at, leaving! Bye-bye', I scold and turn on my heels back towards my bathroom.

Slamming the bathroom door shut, I sigh uncontrollably and pull out a clean pair of pj's and slither into them.

I re-open the door and Jason is still in my room.

'Why are you still here?', I roll my eyes whilst crossing my arms.

'Stop being a bitch man, ever thought that's why Daniel went onto do what he done?", he bulges his eyes out like he himself can't quite believe what's came out his mouth.

My heart drops. I feel tears well in my eyes.

'Just leave', I say trying to hold back the tears. I see his lips part as if he is about to say something.

'Get out!', I storm towards him, I shove him back. I feel his strong arms grab them, trying to restrain me from hitting him.

'Let me go, Jason!', I shout.

'You are so damn difficult', He sighs and pins me down to the bed.

'Jason, just leave me alone! I don't want to even speak to you. Why would you even say that to me?', I am cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. No.

I shove him off, even though I'd gladly kiss him for hours on end and then slap him.

"Look. I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said that. Damnit i always seem to say the wrong things...But for gods sake Lily, just kiss me already".


- AWritersPlanet

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