14. The Unfortunate Truth

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You guys! 28K reads! I am beyond overwhelmed, I actually cannot believe it. Thank you so much! I am ever so sorry that It has taken me this long to update, I have been extremely ill and I have had to deal with a lot these past few months. I have just spent a few hours going over the whole book and making some slight changes as I started writing this a long time ago, and to be completely honest I have matured a lot in my writing and I myself even cringe at what I wrote. So I do hope to make this book realistic and not so cliche and stereotypical. Thank you so much again, you wonderful people. Enjoy.


Lily's POV

The cool air dances on my face, tickling every pore. My eyes close and bask in the cool atmosphere. It's really early, but I struggled to sleep last night, so I decided to catch the best of the beautiful sun rise. I feel so relaxed, my body is drunk of the beautiful surroundings - I love it.

Jason, is still upstairs lying on the ground where we slept. I am still in absolute shock about everything that's happened, every morning since that day, I wake up feeling stranger and more lost than the day before.

My eyes flutter, bringing me back to my cruel and unfair reality. I hear footsteps behind me, causing me to be alarmed.

'It's only me', a croaky voiced Jason appears.

'Morning', I say as I turn back around to watch the sun rise.

'I panicked for a second, I thought something happened to you', he shakes away a yawn.

'Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up after you drove that long', I reply.

'Don't worry about me', He states.

'Well don't worry about me either', I grin.

'Shut up', he says playfully.

'I keep getting texts from my friends, what do I say?', I ask whilst peering at my dying phone.

'Look, I know your friends have nothing to do with this but I'd take out your sim', he looks at me.

'Yeah, you're right...', I say placing the phone in my back pocket, after removing the sim.

My mind focuses on what could happen and who can be after me. I shouldn't be dwelling on it but I can't exactly ignore this whole thing either.

'What are you thinking about?', he asks reading my facial expression.

'I- I'm just scared, I guess. Confused', I look down at the ground.

'Don't be, I wont let anything happen to you Lily, I promise', he slicks back his hair.

'You can't promise that', I say.

'Well I am adamant I won't and that's equally as powerful as a promise', he nibbles at his cheek. I see him slightly rotate himself and he hisses in pain.

'Oh god, you're bleeding', I say in shock looking at the seeping red liquid leaking from his arm.

'It's nothing, I'll be okay', he says full of strength but that was evidently a lie.

'That's not alright, what the hell did they do to you?!', I grow anxious and lead him to a step to sit down.

'It all happened so fast, before I ran off they stabbed me with something', he slips his t-shirt sleeve up, exposing the wound.

'Oh my god, Jason', I begin to freak out. It was a deep wound, it's deep hole-like structure dark with redness and blood.

'I'll be okay, trust me', he says preparing to roll the sleeve back down.

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