Chapter 9

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Aleia's POV

Why is pregnancy so hard? My back hurts, my feet and thighs are swollen, I'm always hungry and tired, I can't think straight, I'm moody more than usual, and I look like I ate whole watermelon. Diggy is on the couch with me rubbing my stomach and he has his head on my shoulder. My mom came into the house waddling with my dad, from the store. Dad put the stuff on the counter and Mom sat down in her comfy chair and Dad came over to Mom and kissed him and sat down on the arm of the chair.

Chris: Hey babies.

A/Diggy: Hey Mommy.

Chris: Leia how you feeling honey?

A: Everything hurts. I tried to walk to the kitchen to get some food and I couldn't because my feet hurt and are swollen.

Tyga: Awww let's see how bad your feet are. *gets up and takes off my slippers and see's a huge bump under my feet* Woah Got damn! No wonder you can't walk you have a big bump under each of your feet. *pokes them*

A: OW!

Diggy: It's okay. *kisses my cheek*

Chris: Pregnancy is hitting you harder than it's hitting me.

A: Whyyyyyyyyy

Chris: *rubs my head* I don't know honey. *rubs his stomach with his other hand* Tyga get some ice for Leia's feet and can you get my slippers please?

Tyga: Sure thing. *gets the ice and puts the slippers on Chris's feet*

Chris: Thank you baby.

Tyga: You're welcome bae. Leia put your feet in the bucket of ice.

A: Okay *sits up and puts my feet in the ice. I'm cold. *cuddles on Diggy*

Tyga: *puts a blanket over me*

A: Thank you Daddy. *kisses his cheek*

Tyga: *kisses my cheek* You're welcome Boo.

A: I don't feel too good.

Diggy: *gets a bucket and gives it to me*

Chris: I didn't have any sickness yet. Bizzare.

A: *pukes in the bucket*

Chris: Uh oh *gags a little bit and covers his mouth*

Tyga: Baby u okay?

Chris: *shakes head no and pukes on Tyga's shirt*

Tyga: Ewwww gross!!

Chris: I'- *pukes on his shorts and shoes*

Tyga: Ewww.

Chris: *coughs* I'm s-sorry.

Tyga: *goes into the bathroom and takes a shower and changes his clothes* *washes his other clothes* *changes his shoes to his slippers*  *comes out to Chris and gives him mouth wash and a bucket* Spit it in there.

Chris: *washes mouth out and spits it in the bucket* I'm sorry baby

Tyga: *sits beside Chris*

Chris: Baby please talk.

Tyga: *kisses his lips* Shhh *holds Chris close to him*

Chris: *puts head on his shoulder*

A: *coughing* *pukes a lil more*

Diggy: *wipes my mouth with a tissue* *kisses my head* *wraps his arm around me and holds me close to him*

A: *washes mouth with mouth wash and spits in the bucket* *holds onto Diggy* Babe I wanna lay down in the bed upstairs.

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