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"Yes, we were just talking."

Violet huffed. Harshly munching on her cereal, she spare no glace to the twins who are the reason beyond her annoyance right now and as if not affected by her evident anger, the said twins are sitting right across her trying to contain their laughter as they watch her eat breakfast, mad.

Jeongguk would glance at Jungkook who would only make face and stare back at their victim who clearly shows hate towards them. Not guilty at all, Violet felt like she was bullied, made fun of, and more importantly fooled. What's more hard to believe is the fact that Jeongguk took part of it. He actually followed Jungkook's ugly joke.

With a pout, Violet stabbed a sausage that is placed on the table just almost in front of Jungkook, the later wincing at her aggressiveness. He raised a brow at her, "Easy there baby... Are you that hungry?"

Violet snaps her head to his direction, "I'm so hungry I might stab your head too and eat it."

Their parents who are unaware and innocent to whatever is going on took glances at the two. Unfamiliar with the pilling tension from Violet's eyes that glimmer rage and from the twins mischievous grins that displays satisfaction from the little joke they did last night.

Violet's mom furrowed her brow and called her daughter's attention, "Violet, honey, don't speak like that to your brother. He's older I didn't raise you like that."

She shot her head and stare at her mother, bewildered. That bitch just made a fool of me! How can that be consider older when all he's good at, is being childish!? She wanted to scream and tell her but she knew better. With that, she shut her mouth and looked back at her unfinished breakfast.

Jangeum smiled at her understandingly, he gave his soon to be wife a small squeeze on her hand that is resting on the dining table. "Don't be too hard on her, she's adjusting to her new environment." Her mother could only smile at him.

Jungkook chuckled. The couples' gaze now falling onto him. Jeongguk need to nudge him to make him realize that he got everyone's attention including Violet who's staring at him with daggers almost ready to slice him in half. Jungkook could only smile sheepishly, "what, I was only wondering which head she wanted to stab..?"

Jeongguk gave his twin's head a loud smack causing the later to groan in annoyance.

"Jungkook, we're in front of food." Jangeum reminded him. "And are you making fun of Violet? Is that why she's acting this way?"

Jungkook could only give his father an apologetic grin, "Sorry, we were just trying to be closer to her... I didn't know she'll take it seriously."

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