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Seated in a slumped position is Jungkook as he give unsettling glances at his twin Jeongguk who seemed calm and unbothered by their surroundings and the piercing stares that everyone in the said room has been giving the both of them. In front of them stand their friends that they call brothers. Their hyungs which morphed different expressions on their face. Jungkook never wanting to meet any of their judging and questioning stares as he focuses on nibbling his bottom lips, suppressing a tear that may slip due to embarrassment any minute now.

"So, y'all just going to keep quiet?" Taehyung finally spoke, breaking the silence and giving short glances from Jeongguk to Jungkook. Interrogation starts now. "When do you both plan to tell us?"

"When you got her already pregnant?" Seokjin huffed, annoyed but he was feeling upset not because of how abnormal polyamorous relationship is, but more to... because the twins although very close to him but didn't trust him enough to keep a secret.

"We wanted to tell you-" Jeongguk found his voice trying to explain but got immediately cut off by Namjoon which shows a sharp glare.

"But you're afraid we'll judge?" Namjoon finishes his sentence off earning a shrug from the said male. Namjoon's eyes softening at that when he heard no response. "We'll never do that, you know us."

"Yes, hyung we know..." Jeongguk bit his lips.

"That's a hard choice of relationship for someone as fragile as both of you." Yoongi comments as he observed the two. "Why did you choose this?"

Jeongguk shook his head. Letting out a frustrated sigh, his head dropping on both of his palm. "I just - we... Jungkook and I, you know our past, we've never had anyone who didn't compare us, who didn't have favoritism among us, we we're always designed to be competitive with each other but with her..."

"She sees us as an individual. Violet likes us both, accepting our differences." Jungkook finishes. "She do not favor anyone. For her, I'm Jungkook and my brother is Jeongguk."

"She's the first person to care for who we are and what we want to be without putting an expectation, without drawing lines. For her we're just us." Jeongguk added earning silence from their hyungs who have been absorbing everything tentatively.

"We understand this." Yoongi said earning the twins attention. He let out a huff but give his famous gummy smile at them warmly. "We're not mad about the both of you being in this kind of relationship, we're not judgemental and you both know that... We're also old enough to not meddle with someone's business, right Jimin?"

Jimin jolted from his seat. His uneasy and tense shoulder moving along his head as he nod vigorously. "Yes!" He pipes as he gulp, Yoongi's stare still trained at him. Everyone chuckled.

DOUBLE BUNNY || J.JK (21+)Where stories live. Discover now