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She happily skipped down the stairs in the middle of the night. Nothing's better than a summer break. She thought as she giggled to herself, getting some snacks on the top shelf of their kitchen as she replay the scenes that she was watching on Netflix that she put on pause so she could grab something to eat.

It's been a year of stay with the Jeons, a year of being a Jeon Violet and the twins sister. She felt more than comfortable skipping around the mansion and get or do whatever she needs and wants. She also feels comfortable staying late at night and disobeying her mother's continues reminders to sleep early — far too spoiled by her step father who would always be on her side whenever her mother nags her.

But it was very unusual for Violet to be witnessing Jeongguk coming home late. Jeongguk was never the type to be irresponsible, getting home late, drunk, and wasted.

This fact somehow hurts Violet as she sees him walking inside their house way past midnight drenched in rain, spent, drunk, and crying. This is not how Jeongguk is. This isn't him. He's always on time, diligent and reserved. Despite his flings and businesses he's never the type to look so ravaged.

Violet abandoned her drink and snacks on the top counter of their kitchen. She didn't pay attention to the clock that reads 3:07 am because all she cared for is the man swaying and having difficulty walking towards the stairs. She had to help him, guide him in his room because he's not alright.

"Jeongguk..." She muttered, not exactly knowing how to help him as she approached him.

Jeongguk's half lidded eyes met her petite form helping him take off his his coat and shoes. He let her.

"What's happening to you?" She asked bit more to herself. She surveys his face and see him smiling at her. A stupid grin playing on his lips. "What now?"

"So cute..." He slurred bopping her nose which she flinched at.

She tsk-ed and took him by his arms, guiding him upstairs. Sure he's very heavy, but that doesn't matter now. She needs to change him into dry clothes and make him sleep. So without further explanation, she's dragging the drunk man upstairs grunting and cursing whenever he would purposely try to be heavy or whenever they'd slip or stumble on their steps. It was a hard process but she felt proud of herself when they're both finally in front of Jeongguk's room.

"Come on in." She told him.

But just when she opened the door and try to take him inside, said man stood on his ground. "Don't wanna." He giggled as he hugged Violet so hard almost squeezing her to death.

DOUBLE BUNNY || J.JK (21+)Where stories live. Discover now