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- 3rd Person POV -

"Hey guys," Alex called out as soon as they finished recording their latest video.

Everyone responded with 'yes' and 'yeah's as they heard Alex.

"I was wondering if you guys would like to add a new member! I don't have anyone in mind so maybe you guys know someone who wouldn't mind being our new member," Alex informed.

Chattering irrupted as soon those words were said. No one had an idea who to recruit. Until someone spoke up loudly.

"Guys? I think I know someone."

"Light? Who is it then?" Zach asked as the chatter died down.

"She's actually a close friend of mine from high school! I think she's suitable for the spot since she practically LIVES for games," Light explained excitedly. He really wanted to include his dear friend in!

"Are you still in contact with her though? She is your high-" Levi was interrupted when Light spoke up again.

"We still are! The last time I chatted with her was just yesterday!"

"Well then, I guess we found our new member! Light, what's her name?"

"Y/N L/N!"

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