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Y/N sat up abruptly from the ringing sound coming from her phone. She outstretched her hand to grab it, rubbing her eyes in the process. 6:36PM.

She proceeded to unlock her phone, pressing the new notification without much thought. She read it, confused a little. A sudden reservation at a cafe? At this time? Which type of cafe is available in the early evening?


cool boss : Y/NN!! you must be surprised at the outfit we prepared. well actually, i've reserved this place for you and Levi. and you're required to wear what we chose, no exceptions :P

it's at xxxxx cafe! it's quite near the salon we went before. have fun!

adorable biscuit : but it's 6:37 now. what type of cafe is avaible at this time?

cool boss : it's not exactly a cafe. it's just called xxxxx cafe! you'll see more soon! ps, if you want, you can stay over a hotel! most of the time, you'd lose track of time when you're there.

adorable biscuit : ..a hotel? i won't question that— anyway, is there a specific time for us to be there?

cool boss : not really. they just told me that there's limited space available since it's open during the night. if i'm not wrong, there's probably just 3-8 people there.

adorable biscuit : ooo alright then :D

cool boss : have fun! eat dinner before you go!!


"Levi, Levv!" Y/N tried waking the sleepy male up, failing disappointedly.

Annoyed, Y/N slapped his arm, causing him to abrupty shoot up. He stared at his partner in confusion as she got up after pecking his cheek.

"You should check your phone, Lev," Y/N informed, grabbing the necessary things before disappearing into the bathroom.

Levi did so, staring at Alex's messages in confusion. He groaned and stretched, heading off to his respective room. Once there, he spotted what seemed to be his chosen apparel Alex was texting about. He stood there blankly, before starting to get ready.


".. I give up," Y/N grunted, after unsuccessfully trying to braid her hair. It looked weird to when the others did it.

Y/N huffed in disappointment, gathering her items before heading out her room. She descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a packet of gummy bears ( Light got it for her earlier lol).

Just as she was about to leave, she bumped into a body, making her look up.

"Hello there, m'lady. Off somewhere?" He smirked, Y/N chuckled, shaking her head.

"Maybe I am, are you?"

"Of course. I'm waiting for my pretty partner. Care to know where she is?"

"Hm, I don't knoww. I'm waiting for my slow partner. Care to know where he is?"

"Y/N! I'm not slow okay!" Levi whined, causing Charli and Jaxx to comment from the living room.

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