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- Third Person POV -

Everyone entered the game and went in a server. Then they headed to where Chapter One was placed.

"It looks like we'll have to be separated," Charli whined. There were only up to 4 players available.

"Since we have 11 members, it means there will be. groups, one having 3 people only," Y/N concluded.

"So who would be in my group?!" Jade yelled.

"We didn't assign you as a group leader!" Zach yelled back.





"ALRIGHT SHUT UP! Jade and Zach will be two of the leaders while, hm. Who'd like to be the third?" Alex asked.

"How about me!" Charli volunteered.

"I'll be in Zach's group!" Drake yelled excitedly.

Now in Jade's group was Y/N, Sora and Jaxx while Zach had Drake, Alex and Levi in his, Charli having Light and Luca in hers.

"Alright! Let's play!"


"This is already so scaryy," Y/N shuddered from the music.

"No worries, behold the brave Jaxx will protect you!" Jaxx boasted.

"Are you sure you won't be scared after a jumpscare happens?" Sora stated.

"Haha, I won't..," Jaxx mumbled, unsure.

"It's so dark! Who turned off the power?!" Jade yelled.

"Where do we go?? Guys, lets stick together!" Y/N suggested.

"This way!" Jaxx proudly stated.

"Its a dead end, you idiot!" Jade notified after they hit a dead end.

"How about that way? It leads to a staircase-," Y/N was interrupted when Sora yelled :

"Hey guys! Look, I found a note!" Sora ushered them to where he found it.

"Hey guys! Look, I found a note!" Sora ushered them to where he found it

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"Jona? 1996?" Y/N muttered curiously.

"That's a long time for someone to be missing, don't you think?" Jaxx stated.

Everyone agreed. Then Y/N proceeded to head to the staircase she found earlier, not knowing that only Sora was following.

"Hey Sora, where's Jade and Jaxx?" She asked as soon as they reached the top of the stairs.

"Weren't they just behind us?" Sora muttered.

"Let's just keep going. Maybe they'll find out that we had gone to the staircase and follow us."

- Minutes later -

"It's so eery here..And we haven't found Jade and Jaxx!" Y/N muttered in frustration. The scary game has really started to take a toll on her.

"Can we just leave- I don't think we're making much progress..," Y/N trailed off.

"Hm maybe let's try to find the two again before we leave. They aren't responding to us from Discord so," Sora suggested.


"Eek!" Y/N screamed before accidentally leaving the game.

"Y/N! Did you just leave the game?-" Sora stifled a laugh before redirecting it to his question.

"It's by accidental alright! Not by fear.."

"I totally believe that. Let's join the main chat now!"


"Look who finally joined! We were waiting for so long!" Jaxx announced with an inch of annoyance.

"Wait, you two were here the whole time?? No wonder no one replied when we called out," Y/N muttered, annoyance very clear in her voice. "Sora and I had to endure all those jump scares just to know you two were idling here!"

"Wait, we thought you guys left us!"

"We went to the staircase!"

"You guys weren't there!"

"Did you check the whole place?"


"And sent! We're done woohoo!" Alex cheered.

"We could have ended 20 minutes ago if two people had joined FASTER," Zach emphasised the word.

"Shut up! You didn't have to endure all those jump scares trying to find your own teammates!" Y/N shot at him.


"Did she just rage quit-" Drake muttered.

"Probably," Sora confirmed.

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