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They rode the escalator up, stopping at the third level. Y/N turned to the left, pulling Levi to fasten up his pace.

"Woah! They got new supplies!" Y/N wowed, her eyes sparkling. Levi glanced at her, muttering a small 'adorable'.

Levi was once again pulled by Y/N, who was too excited to even care if Levi tripped and fall. She abruptly stopped at the painting section, Levi accidentally bumping into her from her abrupt stop.

"Whoops, sorry!" Y/N just waved it off before grabbing a basket.

She subconsciously remove her hand from Levi's, who was deeply disappointed. She grabbed the necessary items for her project, grabbing a few not needed items as well. In just a matter if minutes, her basket was full to the brim, some items urging to fall out of the basket itself.

"You really thought it through, huh?" Levi muttered.

"Mhm! I made a mental list of what I needed! Though I did add a few unnecessary items but eh. Now lets go pay!!"


"Wee! I can't wait to start!" Y/N exclaimed excitedly.

"Do you mind telling me what you're gonna draw?" Levi asked, grabbing one of the bags from her hands before intertwining their hands together.

"Hm, all I can say is, that it's not about you guys..," Y/N nervously giggled.

"Then what is it about?"

"You'll see soon! Now come on! Lets go eat some ice cream or something!"


"Hi! Can we get a F/C and..?" Y/N turned to Levi.

"I'd get a chocolate one."

"Alright then! Your total would be..$13.20!"

The moment Levi fished out his wallet, Y/N quickly handed over the amount before dragging him to a table.

"I-I could've paid, you know?" Levi muttered while Y/N placed the two bags of art supplies below the table. [security lol]

Y/N then proceeded to snuggle up with the male, who was blushing like crazy, before hugging her tightly by the waist.

"I know. I just wanted to do so anyway," Y/N explained.

They stayed like that for a few more minutes before their chosen ice creams were brought to the table. They separated and began eating, Y/N intertwining their hands.

They ate in silence, when suddenly Y/N's phone went off.

"Hello? Jade?"

"Oh hey, Y/N! Where are you? The rest of us have finished what we came here for so.."

"Ohh! Me and Lev are currently eating ice-cream! Do you guy wanna join?"

"Ice-cream?! HELL YEAH! Meet you there! Bye!"

Before Y/N could reply back, the line went dead.

"Hey, the others are gonna join us. You don't mind, right?" Y/N asked, continuing to eat her ice-cream.

"Nope, I don't..," Levi replied, hugging Y/N from the side. He finished his ice-cream long ago.

Y/N hummed in response, Levi's head rested on her shoulder.

Moments later, the quartet arrived, ordering their respective flavours before spotting the duo. They weren't the least bit shock at the interaction, though the two of them were apparently asleep.

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