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- Third Person POV -

"Alright guys! We're gonna start recording soon!" Alex announced as soon as Y/N, Jaxx, Charli and Levi returned from the beach.

"So lucky I brought my laptop," Jaxx muttered making Y/N giggle in silence.

They went to their respective rooms before setting up their laptops. Once they did so, they entered the Discord call, where Alex instructed them to join her.

The moment Y/N did, she squealed in excitement.

"YES! We're gonna play Flicker! Woohoo!" she cheered. Charli giggled in response.

"Alright! We'll start in three, two, one!"

"Hey guys it's Alex!"

"And Zach!"

"And Drake!

"And we're the twins!"

"And I'm Jade!"

"I'm Light!"

"I'm Jaxx!"

"I'm Charlii!"

"I'm Sora!"

"I'm Luca!"

"I'm Levi."

"And I'm the most adorable little biscuit that will kill you all!"

"Uh.." Everyone started backing away from Y/N.

"Just kidding! And I'm Y/N!"

"Phew," Alex sighed a sigh of relief.

"Today, we'll be playing Flicker!" Luca announced. The squad cheered before entering a server.

Dark Psychic

Y/N covered her mouth with her hand to stifle an evil laugh.

"Okay! Who's who? I'm Adam!" Drake asked once they were assigned a role.

"I'm Nikolai," Zach replied.

"I'm Amani!"

"I'm Alex." [ Luca ]

"I'm Chlorine." [ Jade ]

"CHLORINE? PERFECT NAME FOR JADE!" Zach teased as he laughed uncontrollably.

"SHUT UP! At least I look hotter than you," Jade shot back.

"Sure, I totally agree to that."

"Anyway, I'm Annie." [ Alex ]

"I'm Bailey!" [ Charli ]

"I'm Jean-Claude!" [ Light ]

"What type of name is that?!" Zach retorted.

"Hey! Don't make fun of my name! Huhu..," Light yelled.

"I'm Chidi." [ Levi ]

"I'm Codyy!" [ Jaxx ]

"And I'm Dashawn." [ Sora ]

"Alright! So now we wait till night to see who dies.."

- Night Comes -

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