Late Christmas Special

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"Y/N! Come out!" Jade shouts as the other members tried to persuade her.

"NO! Why am I wearing this?" She questions from the inside of the room.

"Why not?" Alex let out, snickering.



They heard shuffling before the barrier separating them unlocked and out came Y/N. She was wearing a red top with white fluff outlining the top edge. It was paired with a similarly designed skirt and hat.

 It was paired with a similarly designed skirt and hat

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Her cheeks were 'colored' a bright shade of red. She did not dare glance into any of her member's eyes due to obvious embarrassment. Drake and Zach laughed at how embarrassed she was while Charli, Sora, and Jaxx cooed at how pretty she looked. Alex helped her get ready earlier. Luca was smiling evilly, hinting at Alex. She took the hint well.

"Doesn't she look pretty, bestie?" Alex asked, her teasing session starting.

Luca piped in. "She looks adorable, am I right?"

Levi flushed red, his head veering in the opposite direction from where Y/N stood. Suddenly, the couple was shoved into a room, honestly speaking, the room Y/N had just came out from. A click was heard, evil laughter following it.

They were locked inside from the outside.

They awkwardly stood there, too stunned from the unexpected lock-in. Y/N lightly sighed, plopping down on her bed. Levi slumped next to her, side hugging the girl. She followed suit. The silence went on till Levi spoke up. "You look pretty."

Y/N buried her flushed face into his chest, mumbling a small 'thank you'. Levi nuzzled his face into her neck, his grip tightening. Levi abruptly pulled away, both his hands finding their way to cup her cheeks. Her hands holding onto his arm, she started at him in confusion. Before she could even question, soft lips collided with hers. Stunned, just as he was about to pull away, Y/N grabbed hold of his shirt, pulling him closer to her. He reacted instantly, surprised at the action.

The both of them parted, panting as they caught their breaths. Y/N's face was flushed red from recalling what happened earlier, catching Levi off-guard as she dived in for a hug. "That was unexpected, bubs.."

Levi lightly chuckled, pecking her forehead as he lovingly hugged her back.



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