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- Y/N POV -

After meeting everyone, Alex called down the Squad for dinner.

Late dinner but I don't mind. I'm practically starving. I hadn't eaten since lunch strangely enough.

Light and I went down, finding Jaxx and Drake present in the kitchen. They seemed to be preparing the table.

"Ah, just in time! We had just finished setting the table. And you might wanna cover your ears for a sec," Drake stated before cupping his hands on his mouth. Knowing what he planned to do, I quickly covered my dear ears before a loud,

"DINNERS READY, THE LAST ONE SEATED WILL DO THE DISHES!" Drake bellowed. I instinctively grabbed Light's arm and dragged him to the table.

I actually have no clue why I did so 'cause I really wanted to see Light suffer from needing to do the dishes. Soon, shouts and grunts can be heard along the hallway, the members who were preoccupied in their rooms rush in, trying to get a seat to avoid needing to do the dishes. Alex's one didn't count since she made dinner. So that leaves Sora since he caught on late. Poor Sora.

I sat on the second-right chair, Light to my right and Levi to my left. As soon as Alex placed our dinner near the middle, cautioning us about the heat, one by one we grabbed what we wanted and quickly digged in. And my, was it delicious!

We silently ate, too hungry to start a fight. I finished first, thanking Alex for the food. I decided to clean the dishes sitting in the sink, wanting Sora to have less dishes to do. As I rinsed the them after using soap, someone spoke up.

"I've never seen anyone do the dishes when someone is already assigned to do it," I heard it was Jade's voice.

"Ah, I actually wanted to do it myself since there's a lot of us and only one Sora. And plus, Sora was assigned to do the dishes we used to eat, not the one used to cook. And it's not a lot anyway," I explained.

"See! You guys should really learn how to be like her! Thanks Y/N!" Sora exclaimed.

"Shut up, Sora!"

"No you, shut up Zach!"

"No you!"


The bickering continued till Alex screamed for them to stop. They silenced and finished their meal. I silently laughed before heading off to my comfy room. I thought that maybe I could use the time then to organize it, or at least just unpack.


-3rd Person POV -

Knock knock.

"Come in!" Y/N stated before Alex emerged from outside.

She looked around, amazed that Y/N had managed to make the room slightly different. Heck, she can't believe it used to be a spare room. To the left of the door was the recording area, Y/N having the PC lean against the wall, and a connected table to the left. [ Basically the connected table is facing Alex/the door] Y/N sat at the table, seemingly drawing on her IPad.

"Hey, we're gonna record soon. So just join me in Roblox and I'll add you on Discord then," Alex informed. Y/N nodded and saved her drawing before turning on her PC. Alex headed out, wanting to start the recording soon.



"So did I add the right person?" Alex asked through her mic.


"Okay! In 3,2.."

- Skip Intro -

"Before we start today's video, we have a new member to our squad! And it's..,"



"Now that we have that out of the way, today we'll be playing, drumroll please!"


"The Asylum! Yay!" Alex announced excitedly.

"And there goes my wish of not having to play horror games," Y/N mumbled. "But I'm not scared! I swear."

"Suree," teased Jaxx.

"It's true okay! Let's see who gets jump-scared first," Y/N stated, softly laughing evilly.


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