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Soon enough, Y/N entered her room. She turned on the lights, blinding Levi a little. She then proceeded to grab the two large bags of art supplies she bought earlier, heading towards a corner.

"What're you doing?" Levi muttered, grabbing a pillow and placing it on top of his head, covering his eyes from the light.

"Hm? I'm arranging all of them in a corner so that I won't mix them up with the others," Y/N explained, as she proceeded to fold the two empty bags.

She pushed them to the corner, picking up the ones that toppled over. Levi deadpanned at how she arranged them.

"Strange way to arrange them but whatever floats your boat," Levi stated, flopping around on her bed. "Could you turn off the light? It's blinding me."

Y/N playfully rolled her eyes before doing so. She jumped onto the bed, Levi groaning. She sat infront of her laptop, her hand itching to press the play button. She had no idea what he chose but didn't care.

Levi picked her up, settling her on his lap before pressing the play button. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he set his chin on her shoulder once again, feeling comfortable.

"Demon Slayer?" Y/N muttered aloud.

"Mhm. The poster looked cool so why not."

Y/N shrugged it off. Though she had watched it once before with Light, she didn't mind rewatching. It was one of her favourites.


Y/N heard soft snores just as the crows announced for the capture of Tanjiro and Nezuko. She looked at him, softly smiling.

She turned and exited from Netflix, turning her laptop off. Y/N slowly removed his arms from her waist, slowly settling his sleeping body in a more comfortable position.

Getting up, she plugged in the wire to charge her electronics as well as Levi's. Soon enough, she got back into bed, feeling sleepy. Levi moved, alerting the female. His hands searched for hers, his face scrunched up in confusion. Once Y/N's hands intertwined with his, a small smile spread across his lips.

One of them removed from her grasp, moving towards her waist. After securing them, he pulled her closer, her face suddenly landing on his chest. Y/N was surprised to say the least, but shrugged it off.

Seconds later, she fell unconscious.


Soft giggles could be heard as Y/N stirred awake. She rubbed her eyes, squinting at the male. He was currently wide awake and playing around with her hair, making it messier than it already is. She swatted his hands away, her face buried in his chest.

"Hey, I was wondering if we could um, hang out today? Alone?" Levi asked, ruffling her hair. She just nodded.

"Where?" she asked, looking up at him. He made a thinking-face, looking at the girl.

"Secret," he answered, sticking his tongue at her. She rolled her eyes before getting up.

She stretched a little, making her way to her bathroom to wash up and get ready. Levi took the hint, leaving the room to do the same.


Y/N sat on the bed, contemplating whether or not to bring her Ipad. She was wearing a white button-up shirt with a grey vest over it, and black loose ripped-jeans.

"If I bring it, I'll have to bring two powerbanks in case.., and I do have more than enough space in my bag so..," Y/N muttered to herself. In the end, she brought it anyway.

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