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- Y/N POV -

After leaving the chat, I trudged to my bed, collapsing on it. The moment I readjusted to a comfortable position, my eyes became droopy, sleep taking me in with open arms.


"Hey guys! Breakfast's ready!" I hear Alex announce.

I groggily get up from bed, heading straight to the bathroom to wash up.

Minutes later, I emerged from the hallways, taking note that we were having waffles today. I took a seat beside Luca, grabbing a waffle before picking the toppings. I soon dig in, my eyes just staring at nothing in particular.

"Hm..what do you guys think we do today?" Alex asked. Everyone started talking at once, leaving me in silence.

"How about we go to a skatepark!"

"No! The mall!"

"The zoo!"

"The beach?"

"Okay woah! Let's play a game to decide who gets to choose where we go today!" Alex suggested while we nodded.

After a game of Roblox, basically just obbies to see who survives till the last. And guess who managed to? Sora. How??

"Haha! I get to choose! Let's all go to the beach! Woohoo!" Sora yelled at the top of his lungs.

I mentally facepalmed before all of us got up to pack for the day ahead. I think I'll just wear a one piece. Or maybe a shirt with shorts. That's more safe.

——————— 3rd Person POV —————————

Everyone gathered in the living room, all of them wearing their comfortable wear. They were currently waiting for Levi, who hadn't got down yet.

"He's gonna slow us down! Y/N, could you call him down?!" Sora groaned. Y/N gave a short reply before heading up. This guy..

Knocking on the door, Y/N opened the door to Levi's shared room. Her eyes landed on Levi, who was currently..packing?

"What's taking you so long?" Y/N asked, leaning at the door sill.

"I couldn't find my swimsuit."

"Just grab anything, everyone's waiting!"

"Fine, fine. Help me, will you?"

"Mm, alright."

Y/N walked towards the blacked haired boy, grabbing all the necessary items for the beach. In a matter of seconds, Levi's bag was good to go.

"There. All done. Not too hard," she stated, giving the boy a lopsided smile before leaving the room.

A faint tint of pink spread through Levi's face. Why do I feel like this? Huh..

Levi soon grabbed his bag and headed down, everyone exclaiming loudly after spotting him. All of them got in the van, some going to another due to the number of members. And then, they took the road.


"Uwa! The sky is so clear!" Charli exclaimed as everyone got off.

They walked to a beach house, silently thanking Zach for booking the place before it was booked by some one else.

They all settled in, while Jaxx, Sora, Alex, Light and Y/N hurriedly dumped their bags in their rooms before running out the house. Zach and Charli had yelled to slow down but did they listen? Of course not.

Being the first one there, Jaxx cannonballed into the water, causing a large splash. Y/N and Sora was drenched but they couldn't care less. The group jumped into the water, splashing each other in the process.

The other half of the group jogged to where they jumped, laying beach towels and chairs to lay or sit at. They talked among themselves, some coming to join the drenched group.

"Woah! It's so cold!" Levi shuddered.

Y/N rolled her eyes, grabbing hold of his hands. She smirked at him before placing all her weight to fall backwards.

Before Levi could stop her, the two splashed into the water, Levi shuddering even more after gasping for air. He gave the girl a glare before sinking into the water, his head popping up at the surface.

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