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- Y/N's POV -

"..and here's your mint choco ice cream! It'll be $3, Miss!" I informed the lady as I handed over her ice cream of choice.

She handed me the cash as she waved and walked away. I sighed in relief, noticing that it was time for me to take my leave. I notified Hillary that I was leaving, before heading off to
the back to change.


I laid comfortably on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Mom and Dad were away at Grandmas' so I was practically alone. The moment I almost drifted off to a nice dream was ruined when someone called me.

"Ugh, why is sleep always interrupted?" I mumbled after grabbing n my phone from the table.

Light 💡
is calling..

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Why is he calling at this time? Eh, who cares maybe he's calling to ask me something. Its is quite rare for him to call when he can just text.

I picked up nonetheless.

"Hey, Light! What's up? It's strange for you to call, especially at this hour."

"Hi, Y/N! About that, actually, I wanted to ask you something."

"Well, go on then!"

"You know where I am and what I do for a living, right?"

"Yeah! You're a member of a youtuber's squad, no?"

"That's right! Well, would you like to join then?"

"Wait. Me? Join you? Huh?"

"We're looking to recruit a new member and I asked if you could join. And they said yes!"

"Er, what will I be doing there?"

"Mostly playing games. Roblox to be exact!"

"Do you include creepy ones, too?"

"Yeah! All sorts. Even Among Us! We play games for our fans! We even react to fan made videos, and do a Q & A! But don't worry, the only thing that is exposed to the fans is our voice. Our faces aren't shown for privacy. So would you like to join?"

"Oi Light! Who're you talking to?" A new voice rang.

"I'm talking to Y/N. You know, the new member?"

"Oh yeah..Good to know."

"Sorry 'bout that. It was Zach, one of the members of the squad. So, will you be joining?"


"It's okay, you can take your time."

"I-I think I'll join."

"Wait, really?!"

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