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Groaning, Y/N rubbed her eyes. She sat up, scanning her surroundings.

"My..room?" she muttered aloud. "Last time I checked, I was in the car."

"Love? Your awake?" Levi called out from her bathroom. Y/N nodded in response, rubbing her eyes once again.

Levi mentally slapped himself, not wanting to faint from how adorable his girlfriend looked at the moment. He smiled cheekily, getting into bed and side-hugging the half awake girl.

"How did I get here?" she asked, falling back onto her pillow. Levi got closer and cuddled her, being a bit more affectionate than usual.

"I carried you here, love. Who else would? And you missed breakfast by the way," Y/N hummed in response.

She checked the clock, 2:23PM.

"I slept for so long.."

"Mhm. You should wash up abit. I'll bring up your bubble tea for you," Levi suggested, carrying Y/N bridal style towards the bathroom.

He set her down on the counter, giving her a peck on the forehead before closing the bathroom door behind him. Soon enough, she got to work.

(Levi's POV)

simps for our adorable biscuit

'eats rats' added you
'eats rats' added 'annoying guy' (Zach)
'eats rats' added 'best friend' (Alex)
'eats rats' added 'brother' (Luca)
'eats rats' added 'DOWNRIGHT ANNOYING' (Sora)
'eats rats' added 'cool bro' (Jaxx)
'eats rats' added 'annoying guy 2' (Drake)
'eats rats' added 'babes best friend' (Light)
'eats rats' added 'orange' (Charli)

eats rats : okay is everyone here?

'DOWNRIGHT ANNOYING'  : i suppose so

cool bro : i counted. only Y/N isnt, which is a good thing

annoying guy : why do we have to add Levi

only for Y/N : cause i deserve to know what is happening here

brother : also because you're Y/N's bf and you simp for her.

only for Y/N : yes, thank you brother

brother : sure sure

The Squadz 👾

best friend : okay, lets start recording! you guys can start joining me both in the game and discord!

lovely love : okay! i wonder what we're playing today

DOWNRIGHT ANNOYING : we never know till we join Alex

orange : wait— WE'RE PLAYING WHAT NOW???

lovely love : ...

eats rats : Y/N are you scared?

lovely love : ..a bit ?


annoying guy : SO WILL THE GREAT ZACH

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