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"Jade! Found you!" Drake sighed.

"..They kicked you two out as well?"

"Not really but we actually just escaped since they probably were going to kick Y/N out as well."

"Mhm. We're on our own now! What should we do?"

"Lets try to find a place to shield us from Sirenhead. We did saw it earlier so.."

"Then let's go!"

The three eventually found a shed, quickly trying to find the pieces to get it working.

"You know, since we're separated from them and we're on different calls, why don't we exit and just talk amongst ourselves or something? They won't really notice!" Y/N suggested, both Drake and Jade could sense a wicked smirk from hearing her voice.

"Not a bad idea. Let's do it!"

The three exited the game and began talking about random things.

".. I absolutely don't know why but, Y/N's always cooped up in her room. Like, no matter who visits, she'd still stay in her room. Y/N, what have you been doing there??" Jade 'frustratedly' asked.

"You knoww, sleeping! Hm maybe napping, or resting my eyes, resting my bodyy!"

"You're practically unconscious most of the time," Drake deadpanned.

"At least I don't make so much noise! It disturbs my beauty sleEp!"

"SInCe wHeN dId yOu nEeD bEaUTY sLeeP??"

"SiNcE foReVer."

"Guys, mental note if you ever get in a friendship witth Y/N. Actually, just get prepared for a ton of unanswered calls and texts. The only time sHe does reply is when we're nearing the time to record and whenever we go out. Or when we order bubble tea. Or churros. Literally."

"I'm actually the best friend you can ever ask for. Don't believe his lies! I—"


Y/N room door slammed open, a familiar candy cane haired male emerged.



".. It's Levi—"

"..Levi you suck."



Levi rage-exited the call for Y/N. She glanced at him in confusion as to why he suddenly barged into her room.

"Recordings over. Alex's requesting you to send her the video you recorded since the three of you suddenly exited the main call," he explained, picking his small girlfriend up, propping himself on her chair before placing her on his lap.

"We exited 'cause you guys kicked us out!"

"..We 'kicked' Jade out, not you and Drake."

"Same thing! You guys still wanted to kick us out nonetheless!" Y/N turned her body towards her computer screen, sending the video to her phone. She then sent the video to Alex.

Adjusting herself, she began playing a Roblox games on her PC while Levi watches, albeit upset that she did not give him attention straightaway.

That continued on for two to three hours. By the time Y/N successfully passed a level in a game, she heard soft snores coming from behind her. She turned her head, her eyes landing on a sleeping Levi.

She smiled softly, shutting off her PC. She got up and slowly shook her sleeping boyfriend up, so that he would be able to sleep in a better position and place.

"Hey.. Wake up. If you're gonna sleep, at least sleep on the bed. Come on. I'll guide you to it."

Levi groggily stood up, following Y/N like a lost puppy. He plopped himself on the bed, seemingly in a daze. Y/N found it adorable. Seconds later he fell back to bed, now staring blankly at the ceiling.

Y/N shook her head, sighing softly. She crawled towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She snuggled closer to him, Levi having an arm around her shoulders. Y/N instinctively fell asleep, Levi rearranging her position so that Y/N was laying atop of him (teddybear style?).

From there, he too fell back asleep.


"Jade! Move away, it's my turn!" Light whisper-shouted.

All nine member were located in Y/N's room, currently choosing clothes for the two. The reason for it was still unknown.

"Okay, okay! Just be quick, we still have to pick out Levi's!"

"Jaxx, Drake, Charli and Zach can go pick his. Saves more time!" Alex instructed. The four quickly nodded and jogged out.

The remaining five froze when they sensed Levi moving. They heaved a sigh of relief when he stopped moving. He just wanted to move to a comfortable position.

"I swear, Levi is one lucky dude. Y/N looks so cuddly!" Sora complained, pouting a little.

"That doesn't matter. Y/N still allows us to cuddle her whenever. Levi really hates it when we do so," Luca commented.

"Eh, have you seen how Y/N scolds him for being like that? I don't even think it's even supposed to be considered scolding," Light stated, laying down the selected clothes on Y/N's chair.

"Levi reminds me of a sad puppy when Y/N 'scolds' him. Literally."

"He's a complete different person, and doesn't hide it," Alex uttered, ushering the five to head out. "I'm gonna text Y/N and Levi the information."


cool boss : Y/NN!! you must be surprised at the outfit we prepared. well actually, i've reserved this place for you and Levi. and you're required to wear what we chose, no exceptions :P

it's at xxxxx cafe! it's quite near the salon we went before. have fun!


best friend : yO. before you dare read this message, head off to your room. i dOnT cArE iF yOu wAnNa rEaD iT wItH y/N oR whAtEvEr. just go to your room. okay i guess you are :D

anyway, the others have prepared an outfit you should wear. IT'S A MUST FOR YOU TO WEAR IT YOU UNDERSTAND? okay good. i reserved it for you and Y/N. it's at xxxxx cafe, near the salon we went to. you better have fun there, and treat Y/N the opposite.

Like, pamper her with love just like how she does to you. If you don't be PREPARED TO GET Y/N STOLEN FOR A WHOLE DAMN WEEK. OR WORST MONTHS, LEVI. MARK MY WORDS! have fun!


^ got it from pinterest

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^ got it from pinterest. credits to owner. ^

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